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John CreaseyHelper Hub

Autor(a) de Gideon's Day

653+ Works 7,811 Membros 112 Críticas 7 Favorited

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Disambiguation Notice:

(eng) aka Gordon Ashe, M E Cooke, Norman Deane, Robert Caine Frazer, Patrick Gill, Michael Halliday, Charles Hogarth, Brian Hope, Colin Hughes, Kyle Hunt, Abel Mann, Peter Manton, J J Marric, Richard Martin, Rodney Mattheson, Anthony Morton, Jeremy York
John Creasey wrote under too many names to list here, so see this page (Click on "The Book Collection" then "Books by Author").
Note: The Baron Goes EAST & The Baron Goes FAST are similarly titled but separate entries in The Baron Series and should not be combined.

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John Creasey é composto por 73 nomes. Pode examinar e separar esses nomes.

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