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Peter Kosminsky

Autor(a) de Wolf Hall [2015 mini series]

10 Works 237 Membros 10 Críticas

About the Author

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Obras por Peter Kosminsky

Wolf Hall [2015 mini series] (2015) — Director — 95 exemplares
White Oleander [2002 film] (2003) — Director — 71 exemplares
Wuthering Heights [1992 film] (1992) — Director — 61 exemplares
Warriors [1999 TV movie] (2004) — Director — 3 exemplares
The Promise (1/4) 2 exemplares
Britz [2007 TV movie] — Director — 1 exemplar
The Promise (2/4) 1 exemplar
The Promise (3/4) 1 exemplar
The Promise (4/4) 1 exemplar


Conhecimento Comum

Data de nascimento
film director



The best thing I have ever seen on television, and adapted from novels I cherish and admire. World-class achievement.
JulieStielstra | 1 outra crítica | Nov 11, 2023 |
Erin is about to be questioned at the IDF base when Paul appears, and greets some of his former soldier colleagues. He tells her the army is there to protect the settlers, not to keep the peace. Erin wakes in the night and is almost shot by a sniper bullet. Paul has his ex-comrades throw him a gun, and he shoots into the night, later justifying his actions as loyalty. The next morning, they find a woman who is the grand-daughter of Mohammed's cousin. Settlers drop broken glass onto her yard from what had been her grandfather's house. The orthodox woman from the previous day arrives to taunt her.Erin tries to intervene, but Paul leads her away, saying it would make things worse. Paul tells Erin that Mohammed's family is now in Gaza, which is an unreachable war-zone.

Back in 1947, a crowd is celebrating the U.N. partition resolution which will create a Jewish state. Searching for the source of the Kol Zion underground broadcasts, Len's men raid some flats; Clough's gun "accidentally" misfires. Len stumbles, but Clough catches Ziphora, his girlfriend, but lets her go. Later, Len beats him, and he admits to having told her everything – just as he told Clara about Robbins and Nash. Len visits Mohammed and advises him to move somewhere safer, because the British will not protect him. But Mohammed will not be scared into leaving.

Erin feels out of place at a party with Eliza's friends. On a laptop, she watches news of another suicide bombing. She argues with Paul, who does not understand why this is all so important to her.

Len is driving Mohammed's son Hassan back from a maths exam. He turns off down a track to investigate a column of smoke from the village of Deir Yassin. Jewish fighters are going from house to house, throwing in grenades and shooting the occupants. Men are being forced into the village square and shot. One of the fighters is Clara. She asks him to join her, but Len turns and leaves. He later confronts Rowntree, but Rowntree is under a direct order that British lives are not to be risked protecting the Arabs.

Erin goes to see Omar, but he too initially refuses to help. She shows him the key, and he explains its importance to displaced Palestinian families, and then shows her the key to his own uncle's house in Jaffa.[7] He agrees to take her to Gaza. While on the bus Erin dreams she is making love with Len.

Len's platoon is in Haifa, stationed between the Jewish and Arab-controlled areas, overlooked by armed Jewish irregulars. They are ordered to pull back, but Len orders them to hold the position to prevent Jewish mortar attack on souk. Len goes to find Rowntree, but he is gone and the last personnel is evacuating the base. The roads are clogged with Arab refugees. Mohammed insists that the Arab armies will protect them; but Len tells him that they will come too late: the Jews will arrive by nightfall. The family leaves home and Len drives them to the docks, where the Royal Navy is taking people to Acre. Mohammed commands Hassan to keep the house key safe, because one day they will return. Hassan goes missing in the crowds, and Len promises to go back and find him, persuading Mohammed to get his wife and daughter to safety. Len returns to his men and fills a bag with grenades and ammunition, ordering Alec to take the men to the docks.

Erin and Omar are led through a tunnel into Gaza. A taxi takes them to a house of a cousin of Mohammed's, where relatives have gathered for the funeral for his daughter, who had been the suicide bomber of the previous night. Erin sits by herself on the roof, overlooked by a military watch-tower. A young girl Samira pulls her in, miming that it is not safe. In her room, the girl gets Erin to brush her hair. That night there is shooting; Erin comforts the girl, as the house comes under gunfire. Later, she is woken by arguing from downstairs. The son, who is with Hamas, is brandishing a gun and telling Omar, a Fatah member, to go. But the house is raided by Israeli soldiers. Omar and the son run off, while Erin and the family are confined in a bedroom. An IDF officer takes Erin's name and address, while the son is marched away. In the morning, the IDF are searching the house. Eliza appears to deal with Erin, called as a favour to her father.

Len finds Hassan fighting with a small group of Arabs, under fire from a sniper. Len takes charge, only to find that the sniper is Jackie Clough, who has joined the Jewish militants. He confiscates his rifle and lets him go. He leads the group under fire through backstreets, until they can see the sea. Len agrees to stay and fight, if Hassan will go to the docks. But as Hassan sets out across open ground, he is hit by a bullet. Before he dies, he asks Len to promise to give the key back to his father. Back at the docks, Len tries to find Mohammed, but is caught and arrested by two military policemen, who had been tipped off by Alec to make sure Len gets home.

IDF soldiers take Samira for a human shield when they go to occupy the brother's house. As Samira becomes frantic, Erin suggests that they take her also. They walk to the house, and are confined in the room of a bedridden old woman, who tells Erin she learned English from the British. She shows Erin a photograph; it is the photograph of Len with Mohammed and his family. She is Mohammed's daughter Jawda, with fond memories of Len, but she says her father was angry with him for many years as he failed to bring Hassan back. Erin produces the key, and as soldiers come in she clutches it in her hand. The IDF lay explosives in the house. Erin finds a toolbox, and chains herself and Samira to a pillar.[8] The IDF commander tells Eliza to get a cutter, and she is freed. Outside, Erin finds Jawda being loaded into an ambulance, as the houses are blown up and a bulldozer moves towards the rubble. In the debris Erin retrieves some trinkets in a box and the photograph album, and in the ambulance gives them to Jawda. However, an IDF soldier forcibly takes away the box. Erin starts to remonstrate, but is seized by another fit. Later, Erin is back in Caesarea, gathering her things. She thanks Eliza's parents for her stay, and Paul hopes she may come back one day.

As she flies home, Erin turns to the last page of Len's diary. He is leaving Palestine as prisoner on a Royal Navy ship. He writes that the Jewish state has been born in violence and cruelty, and worries that it will not thrive. For himself, he says all he has to look forward to is a long prison term and a dishonourable discharge. He wishes that one day he can return the key to Mohammed, though he is not sure he could face him.

At the airport, Erin surprises her mother with the intensity of her embrace. In the hospital, she holds her grandfather's hand, and tells him she has given Mohammed's daughter the key. A single tear runs down his face, and her own eyes also fill with tears. (fonte: Wikipedia)
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MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 30, 2021 |
While in hospital Len shows some compassion to Avram Klein (a Jewish militant who has been shot in the jaw having shot three British policemen), even after a violent attempt to free him. Rowntree asks Len to persuade Klein to appeal to the Privy Council to avoid his otherwise inevitable execution. Len finds Klein in a solitary confinement cell in Acre, but he is unwilling to appeal, saying that every movement needs its martyrs.

Meanwhile Len has started giving Mohammed's son Hassan tuition in mathematics. Clara is getting hostile glances from people who think she is fraternising with the enemy.

Erin is dropped by taxi at Abu Dis, where Omar lives, which is near the separation wall. He is playing cards on the roof, and non-plussed when Erin says he had agreed to give her a driving lesson. He also tells Erin that he is a Palestinian Christian. In the car Erin admits that she is forbidden to drive because of her epilepsy. Omar drives her back to Caesarea, where Erin tempts him into the house, and then into the pool. They are starting to kiss when Eliza's parents appear. Eliza's father is formally polite; his wife looks very unhappy, and a strained dinner follows. Paul, though warm to Omar, also seems not entirely happy. Eliza's parents start to have a serious talk with Erin, but she is struck by another epileptic fit. When she recovers, Paul comes to see her; she senses that he is upset with her, but he denies it.

Arriving at Clara's flat, Len is perturbed to find it open and apparently deserted. Clara is in the bath; much of her hair has been torn out, and she has been daubed with oil and feathers. Len comforts her and stays with her, but later needs to leave for an appointment, but will not be drawn as to what it is. Clara can't believe that he still does not trust her. Len relents and tells her everything, including the name of the spy that he, Robbins and Nash are going to meet.

At the meeting they are ambushed; their Jewish informant is led away, and Len and the two Intelligence Corps sergeants are abducted. A purported British Army major apologises to Len that it has been a ruse, to try to determine whether Robbins is a spy. But Len is unconvinced, and he is dragged off to join the others, being held in a hole under a heavy trapdoor, with just enough room for themselves and an oxygen cylinder. Days pass, and Len is again taken to the "major", who tells Len he was indeed a wartime officer, in the Palestine Jewish Brigade, and had then spirited Jews out of the camps onto boats. He asks Len to join him, but Len is not interested. Days later, Len is dragged out again. Unhooded, and out in the open, he expects to be shot, but finds he has been released. He takes Rowntree back to the factory, but Robbins and Nash are gone. Two miles away, Robbins and Nash are found, dead and hanging from trees. A message hung around Robbins's neck says he has been found guilty of "murder" and executed in reprisal for the "illegal killing" of Avram Klein. Sappers declare the ground clear, but when a member of the Palestine Police starts to cut down the body, it explodes. Len returns to Clara's flat in fury, but she has gone. Clara's father apologies for his daughter's extreme views. Len confesses everything to Rowntree. Later, talking to Clough, he suffers an epileptic fit. Robbins and Nash are buried with military honours.

Erin is shocked to read Len's description of his fit. She shows Paul a press cutting about Robbins and Nash; he remembers it, and says it was what broke the British will to fight. Erin also mentions Len's fit, and says that Len doesn't seem to know what it is. Paul kisses her, and she wakes up the next morning in Paul's bed.

From a bus on the way to Hebron she rings Omar and asks if he could meet her there. At a military checkpoint a liberal Israeli guide is explaining to a group that part of the city has been closed off as a "sterile zone"; he is being barracked by an orthodox settler with a megaphone. Erin slips past the group and into the zone. She meets a group of Palestinian schoolgirls walking home from school. The girls are verbally abused crossing a playground, then stoned by some young Jewish boys, while IDF soldiers stand by and watch. Erin improvises a bandage for a cut on one of the girls' heads. The group are able to point her to a house that matches her address. At the doorway she is met by a Jewish orthodox woman. Inside she is led to a room where orthodox men are eating. Erin starts to explain her quest, when two IDF soldiers arrive, brought by the daughter, to lead Erin away. Behind her the man furiously rebukes the woman. Outside, she is patted down and bundled into an IDF military vehicle. Erin secretly sends text from her phone while she is driven away. (fonte: Wikipedia)
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MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 30, 2021 |
Len disciplines soldiers who are abusing his company's Palestinian servant. Later at the club, Clough teases him that Clara is seeking a passport from marrying him. Len takes Clara home on the way to a meeting; there is no-one in, so she takes him to bed, asking him to stay longer, but he has to attend a meeting. The meeting, at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, is a briefing on "Operation Bulldog", the upcoming cordon and search of Tel Aviv. There is an explosion outside. Some civilians in a neighbouring room come to the balcony, and Len goes to encourage them to move back from the window, but there is a second bigger explosion. When Len regains consciousness, he sees that an entire wing of the building has been destroyed.

In 2005 rescue teams arrive to help the wounded from the café explosion. At the hospital Erin walks through rooms of casualties before she finds Paul, just as his father arrives. Paul is alive, but his leg, arm and eye are bandaged.

Len digs a dead woman out of the rubble of the King David Hotel. That night, Len rounds on Clara for having known in advance and trying to protect him. Clara protests she was only trying to show that she loved him. At the base, the servant alerts Len that Alec Hyman, one of his men who is Jewish, is being given a "regimental bath" in retribution—he is being viciously scrubbed. Len breaks it up, and later thanks the servant, learning his name: Mohammed. Operation Bulldog gets underway. Len's platoon storms a house where one of the King David bombers had been hiding. But he has already been tipped off and gone. The owners protest that they had been forced to harbour "Irgun" members, but they are nevertheless taken away, and the British blow up their house. Mesheq Yagur kibbutz is searched, and Len discovers a substantial arms cache hidden in a room below a children's merry-go-round. Returning to base, the soldiers are serenaded by schoolchildren handing out flowers. Rowntree explains that they are anemones, or kalaniot in Hebrew: "red for the paratrooper's beret; black for his heart". Len gives the bunch to Mohammed, only to be told he has now put Mohammed under an obligation, and Mohammed will be duty-bound to offer him dinner. Subsequently he visits Mohammed and his extended family and has dinner. Afterwards they take a group photograph with Len outside Mohammed's house.

Paul's mother complains that the suicide bombers at the café are 'animals'. Paul replies that she should tell Erin about some of the 'animals' who blew up the King David Hotel, including her own father.

Erin is on the point of going home, but reads the last page of Len's diary and finds with it, in an envelope, a key. Len writes that he is facing prison, and has let down everyone who ever trusted him, and wishes he could return the key to Mohammed. Haunted by this, and knowing her grandfather has been unhappy all his life, Erin decides to stay and find out more. Looking up Omar's telephone number in Paul's phone, she gets Omar to take her to Ein Hawd, which was the location of Mohammed's house in the diary. But she finds that that village is now Ein Hod, now a Jewish artistic centre. She is told that the Palestinians left in 1948, but some had returned to found a new Ein Hawd in what had been their orchards above the old village. An old man agrees to let them drive him through what was once his village, and eventually they identify what had been Mohammed's house. He thanks Erin for taking him back, even though it had been painful. He is able to give Omar a Hebron address for the family, although when Erin asks Omar to take her, he suggests that Paul might be a better guide, as it was where he had been stationed in the army.

Erin and Eliza visit Eliza's grandfather. He is unapologetic, and tells them that his father, mother, sister and brother had all died in German camps. He says that his generation had been determined that the Jewish people would never again capitulate in the face of genocide, and want to secure a land that could be safe for ever. He explains that the British stood in their way, so they wiped them out.

Len and Jackie and another soldier are off duty and driving through town in a jeep when they are ambushed. Len reaches for his revolver, but two men with handguns shoot all three soldiers. As Len and Jackie struggle for their lives, they are ignored by onlookers sitting in cafés. (fonte: Wikipedia)
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MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 30, 2021 |


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