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Harley LarouxCríticas

Autor(a) de Her Soul to Take

17 Works 1,195 Membros 27 Críticas


"Her Soul to Take" is an absolute gem that had me hooked from the very first page. The author's ability to weave a captivating story with rich, well-developed characters is truly commendable. The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire read. The atmospheric setting and intricate details make you feel as if you're right there with the characters, experiencing every moment. This book is a perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and emotion, making it a must-read for anyone who loves a good story. I couldn't put it down and was left wanting more. Highly recommend!
ninawalker | 7 outras críticas | May 23, 2024 |
non male come pensavo!

quando ti dicono: "se ti piace il fantasy ho 2 libri da inviarti" ti aspetti una nuova costruzione del mondo, nuove regole sociali o almeno un medioevo con prescelti riluttanti, compagni impegnati in una Cerca, eroi ambigui e via dicendo.
Inizi a leggere ed è contemporaneo e pensi: vabbè è Urban ma magari è carino, poi scopri che il protagonista è (tristezza) un demone quindi Paranormal, infine il primo dialogo che senza preavviso alcuno, è talmente volgare da farti decidere di cancellare l'ebook.
Poi però dovresti finire la doppia trilogia che stai odiando al punto di preferirle l'elenco telefonico (se esistesse ancora) quindi tanto vale continuare.

un demone si innamora di un universitaria stupida (ci sono topini di laboratorio molto più scaltri, ma anche di campagna, sicuramente!!)
la scopa (abbastanza bene), la conquista (abbastanza facile), la protegge (abbastanza male)
ottiene la sua anima e vissero tutti felici e contenti

(cmq più trama dell'elenco telefonico)
LLonaVahine | 7 outras críticas | May 22, 2024 |

Ok, so you know I like me some dark romance, I love dubcon and girls who like it rough and the MEN who give it to them that way. This book has tags that intrigued me. Not going to list them here because I don't want to hunt around to find them, but the tags drew me in. It's not often that RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) rules are in New Adult so I thought I would give this a try.

However, let me start this review with the following: I am an older adult woman, so most likely not in the demographic of the intended audience. Although, I have read and do enjoy many New Adult and Dark Romances. Look over my shelves and you will see. I still think like I'm in my mid-twenties (as any older person would attest to). However, I have the experience in reading and life to be unable to put aside my logic and suspend belief when pushed too far.

Spoiler It sat on my Kindle for ages. I started it and got a couple of pages in when I realized that I didn't really get a feel for it. I'm going to save the blurb because the blurb in the book details is correct. However, when it say's "A lot can change after high school" what it didn't say was that these people are still with the "high school mentality". The book doesn't specify their ages but it does say "it's been a couple of years since high school", so 21? Anyhow this made a big difference in how I perceived the main characters.

That was the first thing that threw me. I felt like these characters felt like they were playing "dress up" and nothing about the actions and activities portrayed felt like they could actually happen.

Sure, 21 year olds can be able to do kink, but the type of kink and the level depicted here just didn't match up. Plus it felt “messy”, not structured. I don’t know if this sounds right, but it really felt wrong. It just came off as kids trying to imitate adults. Like when kids smoke their parents cigarettes and think they look cool.

Another aspect that I didn’t get was how our "heroine" who is well-known for being particularly image concious, does this about face at a huge Halloween party among all the kids she knows and decides to just say "fuck it" and let her horny vagina lead the way into doing degredating activities (she is learning she has a humiliation fetish) with the guy she spent her high school years calling a loser. All this because he had some kind of post-graduation popularity, bad-boy glow-up, and she has some memories about a kiss she had with him back in the day because of a dare.

Also, she is learning as she’s playing beer pong/dare that she has a humiliation fetish. A brand new discovery – at the age of 21 (I’m guessing) she is learning that she’s getting wet because she is being dared to kiss a boot. This is something she is JUST NOW at that moment learning. She spends a lot of time worrying about how people are going to see how wet she is because of this. Actually, this was another aspect of the book that bugged me.

Jessica spends way too much time thinking about how wet she is because of these humiliating activities. She is worried she will be dripping down her leg, how she is embarassed to sit on the carpet for fear she will get it wet (like anyone is going to see this), she worries people are going to see a wet spot on her panties (that everyone can see because she’s wearing a thong under a barely there skirt and she’s being forced to her hands and knees). She worries that people will see her being wet after she has to take her panties off, she worries that they will see her being wet as she is crawling to the kitchen to get her “Master” a beer. She worries that she will get the leg of her “Master’s” pants wet when he has her sit on his lap….yeah. Someone is going a bit overboard with the wet pu$$y descriptions.

Manson is our “hero” and he spends the book saying “Oh Jess, poor little girl, poor Angel, you need to be punished”, “I’m going to punish you, don’t worry”. “Oh Jess, you can’t help being naughty can’t you.” Again, he comes off as someone playing “dress up”. I don’t know why, when other books I have read that actually HAVE high school kids feels more realistic than this. Maybe it’s the whole “instasubmissive/instadom feel”

Nothing about Mason seemed like he was a "Dom", nothing about what he did felt right. Nothing about Jess was sexy, nothing about how she reacted or how she behaved felt right. And when I say “felt right” I don’t mean crossing the lines, but they didn’t come off as believable characters.

I am thinking that this author just wanted to push boundaries and show BDSM in a much darker light than many readers are used to, so she could put the “warnings” and tags that would get more readers just for shock value, but it didn't work because her actors didn't sell their parts. They were too young, they were too inexperienced. I don't care if Manson had skills or knew how to handle a knife or how to spank Jess, he just wasn't experienced he just felt wrong. No one at this age is going to understand the nuances of kink that they were trying to achieve. Jess is NOT going to just now discover she has a humiliation fetish and go with being forced into very uncomfortable situations.

Then when I have to read her begging to be effed by this guy, begging multiple times if he would just eff her, it was too much. I was so turned off. All throughout this book she's begging to be effed by the guy who is treating her like crap and she is so turned on she's worried about leaving wet stains on the carpet shes sitting on.

Between worrying about how wet she is, wanting to be effed, and always fighting against being told what to do all the while her mind is saying “I don’t like this, I don’t have to be doing this…Or DO I?, “This is humiliating, I would hate people to see me doing this…OR wouldn’t I?” It’s all about her initially rejecting the commands, but internally learning how much she actually wants to do them.

Again, tonight is the first time she learns she is into this, and tonight is the night she shucks off her entire life of being one way and just going with the guy she called a loser throughout high school all at a Halloween party at the wealthiest house in the neighborhood among all the people she spent her life trying to maintain a perfect appearance.

I skimmed through all the sex which says a lot about how I was feeling towards these characters. I wasn’t interested in seeing them do the deed. I skimmed through so much that I can’t even say how many different people were in the room. Although, I do know that the guys who came to the party dressed as psycho clowns who scared the crap out of Jess because she has a clown phobia ended up tagging her with Manson. Whether or not they did the full deed or just oral I don't know because I totally skimmed it. I do believe that these are the guys who will make up her "harem" in the future books. I couldn't be bothered by it.

It was funny that I would read a line of dialogue, skim a page or two and realize that the next line I focused on what the next line of dialogue. Not only did I skim, I straight up didn't even look at anything, I was just fast forwarding to a line that let me know they weren't screwing. I might have stopped for a few sentences but really, I missed it. Which tells you something.

The majority of the readers of this book are not going to be into humiliation kink and because it’s such an emotionally charged kink, it isn’t going to be easy to write in a way that comes off as sexy to them. Because it is a prequel and an "introduction" to our future characters, it isn't meant to be long or involved. But, it IS supposed to make the reader want to follow up on these characters in the future books. In that it failed for me. I'm bummed. I don't know why this didn't work when I really liked the "HAVOC Boy" series by C.M. Stunich (although there were a lot of eyerolls in that). That series featured high schoolers doing very adult things. It could all be an "It's not you, it's me" thing.

Books I would recommend if this is your thing:

"Dirty Bad Wrong" by Jade West - her first book and a great jumping off point for her other books which all deal with a different kink mixed with complicated relationships. A great combination of a New Adult Romance with all angsty feels and snarky fun, but with the addition of some hardcore kink.

"Six" by James Crow or Mr. James Crow – I believe he is a friend to Jade West or was brought into writing by her. He is into more degradation and less “sexy” kink. Six was his first book. He’s not for everyone but he’s got talent and is able to force your perception into that of the characters. "Dare" (By James Crow) was one of the most twisted and disorienting reads I have come across.

"Wicked Ways" by Carrie Silverwood – First in a three or four book series about a woman who was caught up by men who have the ability to “mesmerize” women into doing shocking and degredating things, and he desperate need for help to escape them.

TL;DR - I didn't like this book because I felt that the characters were too young to get humiliation kink right, and that they weren't realistic in their actions. I felt it was not written authentically. I didn't find them sexy. Also the heroine got on my nerves with her abrupt 180 degree change in character and her unrealistic timing, plus the list of annoying traits and behaviors she exhibited. I felt that it was more shock than substance. Read the above authors instead.
Library_Breeder | 9 outras críticas | May 14, 2024 |
I literally could not put this book down. It was so good and so spicy! Like the perfect amount of plot and spice, which I believe is very hard to come by.
I cannot wait to read Harley's other books. But if you're into paranormal, demon, cult vibes - this is for you.
graybug | 7 outras críticas | Mar 14, 2024 |
Out of my comfort zone, straight to hell...but her hell was so intense and interesting, and her revenge was worth the time to read this one. Looking forward to the last part of this trilogy.
simonamitac | 3 outras críticas | Nov 27, 2023 |
I wasn't expecting or I wasn't prepared for this one, but I couldn't stop. Some parts were above my imagination, but it was intriguing and I am looking forward to the rest of the series.
simonamitac | 7 outras críticas | Nov 27, 2023 |
So nicely structured and everything falls into its place with this last book. I enjoyed this trilogy and it was one of the most interesting of this type of fantasies I read so far.
simonamitac | 1 outra crítica | Nov 27, 2023 |
Archdemon, Callum has spent two thousand years looking for his witch and the cult that keeps her meek and isolated - he just has to help her kill a God and then they'll be free.

Everly Hadleigh has had enough of her family and the cult she's an unwilling part of. But freedom isn't in her cards unless she can find a way to kill the God that wants her to be it's vessel. It's a good thing then that Callum finds her - and has a bit of a talent for killing Gods.

I've been dying to read the final book in this trilogy and it didn't disappoint. Like the first two books, this runs concurrently, beginning a bit before the other two and then parallel. I still think the second book was my favourite - I adored Juniper and Zane but this was a close second.

Everly and Callum were great characters and together they were sweet and fiery. That said, they were relatively tame compared to the other books. This was nowhere near as dark and twisted in sex or violence. But there was a lot of sex - and honestly? Too much sex. To the point where it took over and the plot stalled. It would've been a better read if it had of cut some of those scenes out and focused more on the magic and world building. Also the genital piercings! *shudders*

The world building was lush and vibrant and I adored it. Everly's magic and her grandmother's house was giving me total Howl's Moving Castle and Baba Yaga vibes. It was awesome. I only wish there had been more of it. I would've liked to see more of Hell and its inhabitants as well. In terms of the God storyline, things were wrapped up satisfactorily - but I would've liked to have more detail and flesh out the motives a bit further. I would love to read more books set in this world, so hopefully the author will write more.

I would've liked to see Juniper and Zane in the epilogue. For some reason only Rae appears and frankly, I didn't like Rae in her book and I didn't want to see her in this one. But it is what it is.

A terrific conclusion to a unique and vibrant trilogy. 4 stars.
funstm | 1 outra crítica | Oct 3, 2023 |
So originally I was just going to give it three stars but I figured the pleasure part of the book was really off the charts so I decided to give it four.

Who was this way too much information. It was like I'd say about 60% of the book is information overload, 10% is getting there, and if you read the book you know what I mean by getting there, and the last 30 is the pleasure. And believe me that stuff is off the charts.

As most of you know I am an instant gratification kind of gal. So this book didn't exactly call to that side of me. But the last couple chapters sure as hell did.

All in all I'm glad that I stuck with the book. And yes I would recommend this to some of my kinkier friends. I would love to get their opinion on it.
Morgie99 | 9 outras críticas | Jul 7, 2023 |
Raelynn Lawson has always felt the pull to return to her hometown of Abelaum and the paranormal vibe it's always had. So with her final year of university looming, she makes the decision to transfer. But she soon finds the paranormal vibe is a lot more real than she imagined.

Leon has been the captive of a human cult for over a century and he hates every freaking minute. He can't wait for the day they screw up and he can slaughter them all and he will finally be able to return to Hell. But when the option for freedom comes, he manages to find another reason to stay - Rae.

I read the second book, Her Soul for Revenge first. It said I could in the blurb and since that one really appealed to my mood - I did. And it was epic. I loved every minute even if it wasn't necessarily a perfect book. So with my book hangover and a slight curiosity of Leon and Rae's story - I thought I'd give this one a go. In some ways, I'm glad I did. In other ways not so much.

This is an okay read. It runs concurrently to the second book and there is the tiniest bit of overlap but otherwise it is kind of separate. It's got a decent plot, some interesting worldbuilding (though, as in the second one, it's a bit skint on the details), red hot sex and one really big problem in the form of the two main characters. Well, one main character.

The problem was Rae. Leon is average - I liked him more in this book than I did in the second - but he didn't really gain much more than like. On the other hand - I hated Rae. Or at least very strongly disliked her. She was too stupid to live. Seriously. Everything takes a crazy amount of proof for her to believe. I mean she's a paranormal investigator for fks sake - why would it be so unbelievable that any of it is true? Plus she completely ignores her instincts. She knows when something is wrong - but that seems to be her cue to convince herself that it's not and it was fkn annoying. She drove me insane and it made it very hard to enjoy the rest of the book. See, Juniper from the second book is a badass. She fights and fights and fights. Rae is defiant but she's not really much of a fighter - successful or otherwise. And I just didn't want to read a story about a timid mouse. It was not what I was expecting. And maybe that's on me - cause I read the second book first.

That said though I don't think I could've read it the other way around. Her Soul to Take fills in some of the blanks but I feel like the overall story is stronger for me having read Her Soul for Revenge first. It provides a better overview of what's actually going on and I don't think it would've made as much sense the other way round.

The relationship between Rae and Leon was sweet and flirty with a dark edge. It wasn't quite as dark as the next one gets in some ways but I also feel that it doesn't necessarily address kink and the lines between fantasy and the real world as well either. Although it does provide a disclaimer at the beginning regarding this.

Honestly I didn't really get the relationship between them. I didn't understand why Leon was so keen on her when she was busy doing everything she could to destroy his trust or run. I hated the bit where Rae tries to bind Leon to her will. He was already doing everything for her and proving he could be trusted and she just ruined it - and Leon kind of just accepted it! I mean yeah he punished her but after all his rants about freedom - how the hell did he let that go?

Not liking the main character did mean this was a particularly long book. Much too long when you find the sex starting to get boring and repetitive. But as I said, this book does fill in a few blanks mainly in regards to Everly and Callum (I'm so excited to read their story!) - it's not much and you could potentially skip it but I'm glad I didn't. Even if Rae drove me mad.

If nothing else, Harley Laroux is an author to watch. 3.5 stars.
funstm | 7 outras críticas | Jun 1, 2023 |
Juniper has spent years running from the cult that tried to sacrifice her to their god when she was a teenager. But no one can keep running forever and when she's offered a deal to take her revenge, Juniper jumps at the chance.

Zane has spent years waiting for the chance to finally claim Juniper's soul. So he's all for the deal on offer - even if the terms are a little inconvenient and getting more difficult by the second. But the more time they spend together, the more they realise that all the jagged sharp edges they have are the perfect fit with one another.

I really really enjoyed this. Is it perfect? No. But did it hit all the right spots while I was reading it? Yes! Juniper was incredible. Her resilience and her strength and her sheer bloodthirstiness was insane. She was broken with lots of jagged edges and it was perfection. I loved her stubbornness and her will to survive. It was brutal and I loved every minute.

Her relationship with Zane was dark and twisted and surprisingly sweet at points. For all they hurt one another physically, mentally they're all about propping one another up and I was all for it. The sex was steamy and while I did have a few issues with some of it - I felt the author adequately addressed the kink and why liking things in the bedroom doesn't equate it with being okay outside of it. I liked that Juniper was like this is okay right now but if he said that to me normally there would be problems. It showed that she valued herself and I liked that.

The world building was interesting and I would've liked to see more of it. It reminded me a lot of the tv show, Supernatural with the Gabriel plotlines. But while the world building was interesting, I felt that it was lacking at points in explaining how things worked with the gods and demons and it would've been a stronger book if this was included. That said, there was a lot of action, a ton of character development and a heavy focus on the relationship between Juniper and Zane so it was very strong in other ways.

I didn't love Leon and Rae's blurb but I'm curious enough now to at least read it and see what I think. And I'm excited to see there will be a third book based around Everly and Callum. I can't wait to read it.

As for this one, it won't be for everyone but if you love a love story between villains with interesting, if somewhat simplistic worldbuilding, then this is for you. 4.5 stars, rounded to 4 stars.
funstm | 3 outras críticas | May 26, 2023 |
This book changed my brain chemistry but in a good way.
BlackCanary007 | May 16, 2023 |
Zane and Juniper are completely unhinged but boy are they fun. I enjoyed this book even more than the first one. Juniper is all grit and she is truly a survivor! She will survive at all costs and leave a bloody trail right behind her. I didn't think I would like anyone more than Leon from the first book but Zane quickly won me over. I like a dry sarcastic smart ass with heart. There was a lot of violence but I didn't mind it. It was a romance with a lot of horror. Blood galore! I can't find much to complain about because I enjoyed the read.
BlackCanary007 | 3 outras críticas | May 9, 2023 |
This book has been on BookTok for a while back and while I did have it on my TBR last year, I just barely decided to start reading it tonight. I was in the mood. I wanted something dark, kinky, and some smut put in. I wanted a book that gave a little backstory to the history between the two characters and although I cannot quite say they were enemies back then, I could say that they did not entirely have a dislike for each other. Not when they kissed. Maybe Jessica did it to piss off her on-and-off again boyfriend, Kyle, because it would end up with Mason being tossed out of school.

Things have changed since that moment. Once considered the freak, Mason is now widely accepted and Jessica has come home from college. But Jessica's attitude toward Mason has not quite changed. She still challenges him and even stands up to him when she finds herself on the losing end of a drinking dare game between the two of them. But when she loses to him, she is made to become his slave for the night. As the game begins between the two of them, Jessica is even-handed a safe word that will allow herself a chance to leave when she wants to but does she really want to leave? Especially when she finds herself liking the humiliation, discipline, and submission at the hands of Mason.

This book was what I needed - dark, kinky, and just a bit of smut to whet my appetite. Lately, books with PWP have not been my favorite. Some of them have been lacking, but this one seemed to hit things just right. A small backstory and banter between the characters - all leading to the smut we have been waiting for since we cracked open this novel.

The characters and plot were easy to be drawn into. There wasn't drama to be dragged out and the menage was just as delicious. I never thought I would see a story that had clown sex. That was just something so unexpected. LOL.

In all seriousness, I enjoyed the novel. The characters. The kink and fetish. And the small plot. It was enough to entertain me to the end and enough to make me want to add the next novels in this series to my TBR for this year.½
Revengelyne | 9 outras críticas | Apr 29, 2023 |
This book was a little dark for me. But I finished it. It was just okay. But I'm guessing the other books in the series will go much more in depth with these characters. I'm slightly intrigued enough to see where this all goes so I think I am going to check out the next book in this series to appease my curiosity. Hopefully, it won't kill the cat.
BlackCanary007 | 9 outras críticas | Apr 10, 2023 |
There was the person I was before I read this book and the person I am after reading it. This book re-calibrated my brain and I mean that in a good way. I had no idea where the story was going to go after reading the novella "The Dare" but I didn't think it would go like this. It was an interesting read and I learned some things about myself lol. I will be reading the next book. I am very curious to see how all this concludes.
BlackCanary007 | 1 outra crítica | Apr 10, 2023 |
Holly freakin hell!

This book was hot. So hot, my thermometer broke up. And I wasn't wet, I was the goddamn Niagara falls.

I just want to say, that at the end When he asked her if she actually enjoyed their night together it made me cry. It was so spontaneous and unexpected but made my tears falling pretty fast and hard.

I know there is a sequel, but I really can't imagine it as RH, and I am still considering if I should read it. I love the chemistry between Manson and Jesse, and yes, it was hot when they shared her, but his mind games and his commands made the book so hot.

BitchQueenHsgirl | 9 outras críticas | Mar 1, 2023 |
Amazingly hot, short story!
Toeteke | 9 outras críticas | Feb 24, 2023 |
This is my first book by this author and I HAVE NO WORDS. I loved this story so much with the cult, the demons and all of it!! For once I actually loved the female lead but LEON has my heart ❤️
ALYSSAALBANESE | 7 outras críticas | Jan 18, 2023 |
I LOVED THIS BOOK. So I loved the first one but I actually liked this one better. Zane and Juniper are such an amazing couple. I love them separately and together! This book has a lot more TW's then the first so read the warning!
ALYSSAALBANESE | 3 outras críticas | Jan 18, 2023 |
For some reason I didn’t read the prequel first?? Anyway I really loved this! Honestly I wasn’t really feeling everyone together until the very end. I still think Jess is super boring and I still get some of her menz confused but I love the story!
ALYSSAALBANESE | 1 outra crítica | Jan 18, 2023 |
beethovensfruit | 9 outras críticas | Nov 16, 2022 |
4 stars

Short story that I wish had been longer. There was so much potential there for a good book. A lot of details for a novella. I would have liked this really delved into so that I could get a bigger picture of the before and after.
MagicalRi | 9 outras críticas | Feb 24, 2022 |
Now I started reading this book randomly about 2 months ago and came to page 20 while in the process of reading a series, so that’s why it shows that it took 2 month to read lol. BUT I just finished the rest now and HOLY FUCK THAT WAS HOT. It even had ME squirming on how steamy the book was. I usually hate more than 1 guy having sex with the girl, but this was pretty good. I’m so happy with the ending and that they became a couple. But seriously this was SO HOT.
Fehime | 9 outras críticas | Oct 24, 2021 |