Picture of author.

Halldór Laxness (1902–1998)

Autor(a) de Independent People

105+ Works 6,929 Membros 209 Críticas 48 Favorited

About the Author

When presenting the 1955 Nobel Prize to Laxness, the Swedish Academy of Letters cited "his vivid writing, which has renewed the Icelandic narrative art." Laxness has been by turns a Catholic convert, a socialist, and a target of the radical press, some of whom accused Laxness of a class ambivalence mostrar mais the Saturday Review summarized this way: "Though Laxness came to believe that the novelist's best material is to be found in the proletariat, his rejection of middle-class concerns was never complete, and the ambiguity of his attitude toward the conflict of cultural values accounts for the mixture of humor and pathos that is characteristic of all his novels." Independent People (1934--35) was a bestseller in this country; Paradise Reclaimed Reclaimed (1960), based in part on Laxness's own experiences in the United States, is a novel about a nineteenth-century Icelandic farmer and his travels and experiences, culminating in his conversion to the Mormon church. Laxness owes much to the tradition of the sagas and writes with understated restraint, concentrating almost entirely on external details, from which he extracts the utmost in absurdity. An Atlantic writer found that The Fish Can Sing (1957), the adventures of a young man in 1900 who wants to be a singer, "simmers with an ironic, disrespectful mirth which gives unexpected dimensions to the themes of lost innocence and the nature of art." (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos


Obras por Halldór Laxness

Independent People (1946) 2,918 exemplares
Iceland's Bell (1951) 680 exemplares
The Fish Can Sing (1966) 643 exemplares
Under the Glacier (1968) 614 exemplares
The Atom Station (1961) 407 exemplares
Salka Valka (1948) 369 exemplares
World Light (1937) 327 exemplares
Paradise Reclaimed (1960) 278 exemplares
The Happy Warriors (1952) 150 exemplares
The Great Weaver from Kashmir (1927) 111 exemplares
The Honour of the House (1933) 49 exemplares
Die Litanei von den Gottesgaben (1972) 35 exemplares
Innansveitarkronika (1970) 30 exemplares
Sieben Zauberer (1942) 24 exemplares
A Quire of Seven (1974) 21 exemplares
Í túninu heima (1975) 21 exemplares
Alþýðubókin (1929) 9 exemplares
Sjömeistarasagan (1981) 9 exemplares
Úngur eg var (1980) 7 exemplares
Die Geschichte vom teuren Brot (1970) 6 exemplares
Vi islendinger (1974) 6 exemplares
Grikklandsárið (1983) 5 exemplares
Barn náttúrunnar (1992) 5 exemplares
Kvæðakver (1992) 5 exemplares
Gerska æfintýrið 5 exemplares
Ásta Sóllilja 4 exemplares
Ein Spiegelbild im Wasser (2012) 4 exemplares
Mein heiliger Stein (1923) 4 exemplares
Smásögur (2000) 3 exemplares
Dagar hjá múnkum (1989) 3 exemplares
Fuglinn í fjörunni 3 exemplares
Reisubókarkorn (1963) 3 exemplares
Fortid og nutid : essays (1986) 3 exemplares
Undir Helgahnúk (1991) 3 exemplares
Norðanstúlkan 2 exemplares
Silfurtúnglið 2 exemplares
Jóhannes S. Kjarval 2 exemplares
Straumrof 2 exemplares
Drei Erzählungen 2 exemplares
Höll Sumarlandsins 2 exemplares
Af skáldum 2 exemplares
Við heygarðshornið 2 exemplares
Af menníngarástandi 2 exemplares
Himlens skn̜hed 2 exemplares
Noveller 2 exemplares
Gjorningabok 2 exemplares
Dagur i Senn 2 exemplares
Sommerlandets Slot 2 exemplares
Thaettir 2 exemplares
Úa : Leikrit 1 exemplar
Laxdæla Saga 1 exemplar
Lesebuch 1 exemplar
Romanzi. 1 exemplar
Heimsljos I-II 1 exemplar
Menntaskólaljóð 1 exemplar
Thjohatidarrolla 1 exemplar
Og árin líða 1 exemplar
Islandsk saga 1 exemplar
Opere 1 exemplar
Werkausgabe, 11 Bde. (2002) 1 exemplar
Utsaga 1 exemplar
Hús Skáldsins 1 exemplar
Fegurð Heimsins 1 exemplar
*ANY 1 exemplar

Associated Works

Great Stories by Nobel Prize Winners (1959) — Contribuidor — 77 exemplares
Found in Translation (2018) — Contribuidor, algumas edições36 exemplares


Conhecimento Comum

Nome canónico
Laxness, Halldór
Nome legal
Guthdjonsson, Halldór (birth)
Outros nomes
Laxness, Halldór Kiljan
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Localização do túmulo
Mosfellskirkjugarður Mosfellsbæ, Mosfellsbaer, Höfuðborgarsvæði, Iceland
País (no mapa)
Local de nascimento
Reykjavík, Danish Iceland
Local de falecimento
Reykjavík, Iceland
Causa da morte
Alzheimer's disease
Locais de residência
Mosfellssveit, Iceland
Reykjavík Lyceum
Prémios e menções honrosas
Nobel Prize (Literature, 1955)
World Peace Council Literary Prize (1952)
Sonning Prize (1969)

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Halldor Laxness, an Icelandic author, received world-wide recognition after being awarded the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature. According to the Nobel Prize committee, he received this coveted award "for his vivid epic power which has renewed the great narrative art of Iceland." By 1948 he had received from literary scholars from around the world 25 nominations for the Nobel candidacy. As of 2021, he is the only Nobel Prize recipient from Iceland. During his writing career, he authored more than 60 works including novels, poems, plays, essays, short stories, memoirs, and travel books.



July 2015: Halldor Laxness em Monthly Author Reads (Julho 2015)
Group Read, June 2015: Independent People em 1001 Books to read before you die (Junho 2015)
Ligiloj: eo.Wikipedia - epo em Esperanto! (Março 2012)


De verteller van het verhaal is Alfgrim Hansson, een wees die opgroeit bij twee oude mensen die hij opa en oma noemt, in een hut in wat later de hoofdstad van het land zal worden. Alfgrim droomt ervan dat hij ook, net als opa, visser zal worden. Geen zeevisser, maar vlak onder de kust. Als hij opgroeit blijkt hij te kunnen zingen, tenminste dat vindt de dominee die dikwijls eenzame mensen begraaft op het vlak bij gelegen kerkhof, en dan Alfgrim vraagt om een lied te zingen. Hij krijgt op een gegeven moment ook les van een Deense muzieklerares. Van de dominee hoort hij dat het gaat "om de zuivere toon". Heel zijn jeugd door krijgt Alfgrim verhalen te horen over een andere IJslander die kan zingen, en die de hele wereld verovert met zijn stem. Uiteindelijk blijken die verhalen schromelijk overdreven en alleen in het leven gehouden om degene die Gard Holm, de zanger, blijft financieren, niet belachelijk te maken. Een mooi verhaal, waarin Laxness heel wat van zijn eigen jeugd heeft verwerkt. Opmerkelijk ook dat opa en oma woorden kostbaarder vinden dan geld: ze zijn zuinig met woorden en zeker met loftuitingen!… (mais)
wannabook08 | 21 outras críticas | May 11, 2024 |
Our book group chose [b:Independent People|77287|Independent People|Halldór Laxness|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1282892439s/77287.jpg|1391302] for rainy February's title and I tried several times to get into it without success. After about 150 pages, I was ready to concede defeat but persevered and finally started to cotton to this long, dense tale of an irascible Icelandic sheep farmer who buries two wives and numerous children and animals in his single-minded ambition to be an independent man beholden to none. Great swathes of text describe the unremitting misery of the climate and the lives of sheep and men, living and dead, as they struggle to survive. "Great is the tyranny of mankind," says Laxness, and great is the tyranny of the Classics reading list which brought this book to my attention. Yet, I admit that I liked it! The author can be wry and funny and poetic in spite of the hackneyed poetry salted throughout, the husbandry and the grim weather: "And the ceaseless rain of this inclement summer poured down upon the three little unprotected workmen of the moors...turning their headgear into a shapeless, sodden mass and running down their necks and faces in rivulets stained with the colour from their hats." Yet there is youth and beauty and love: "she was leading two spirited young thoroughbreds whose coats glistened with good feeding, glossy as silk. The sunshine and the breeze played in her golden hair, in its waves and its curls; her young bosom rose cupped above her slender waist, her arms were naked to the shoulder, her eyebrows curved in a high care-free bow. Her keen eyes reminded him both of the sky and of its hawks; her skin, radiant with the fresh bloom of youth, colour incomparable, make him think of wholesome new milk in May." (402) Bjartur, the key figure, relentlessly pursues his dream of independence realized in Summerhouses, his bought-and-paid-for plot of land after eighteen years of servitude as his family abandons him and his sheep come down with disease. And it hones to the definition of a classic as it tackles the human condition and our universal responses. My response would have been to abandon the sheep and retire with the coffee and a book while the snows blow around the croft, but these were hardier souls who need the sheep to survive.… (mais)
featherbooks | 102 outras críticas | May 7, 2024 |
A set of vikings set out to loot the world. Quite a large number of them survive the effort. Written by an Icelander, it is gritty yet quite amusing on occasion.
DinadansFriend | 6 outras críticas | Jan 27, 2024 |
The weather is as brutal and unforgiving as some of the characters in Halldor Laxness' arduous and earth-and-sky-bound family saga (an almost obligatory word for a review of an Icelandic novel), and both snow and intransigence make for hard lives and hard reading at times.

The ironic title foregrounds the way in which Laxness' isolated sheep crofters are unable to escape the weather and each other, as well as time and place (with one exception), limited as they are by geography, politics, disease, ignorance, distrust and delusion. Much of the time they seem free only to make bad choices, hurt one other, and suffer the ups and downs of world war or sick sheep.

The story centers on Bjartur, a stubborn, harsh and myopic crofter who attempts to assert his financial, social and political independence in the face of an inhospitable landscape, disaffected family members, economic hardship and local superstition. His daily concerns and those of his busybody neighbours and local potentates revolve around sheep worms, mythical evil spirits, Icelandic poetry, debt and ownership, and coffee and food. Shepherding is foremost in his mind, and he is a disaster as a husband and father. The plot takes several tragic turns, through which Bjartur largely plows unbowed, unrepentant and unaware of his fundamental dependence on the world around him.

If this all sounds grim, it is. However Laxness manages to bring a sardonic humour to bear on the misunderstandings, illusions and impulses of his characters that allows the reader to find a lighter perspective on these lives that allows - in some admittedly narrow crevices - for signs of hope and redemption. Not to mention his frequently lyrical writing, as translated by J. A. Thompson, and his compassion for his characters' limitations and impoverished lives. This rich and complex novel continually reminds us that our dependencies, not just our autonomies, can provide meaning and beauty:

". . . but weeping too is an independent element in the breast of man, another current, and weeping also is controlled from another world, and man is defenceless against his own tears and cannot get away and cannot get away and cannot get away"
… (mais)
breathslow | 102 outras críticas | Jan 27, 2024 |



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Tone Myklebost Translator
Anthea Craigmyle Cover artist
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Ion Vinea Translator
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