Picture of author.

Jean Lorrain (1855–1906)

Autor(a) de Monsieur de Phocas

68+ Works 567 Membros 12 Críticas 10 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Jean Lorrain

Image credit: Jean Lorrain [credit: Wikimedia Commons]

Obras por Jean Lorrain

Monsieur de Phocas (1901) 138 exemplares
Nightmares of an Ether-drinker (1895) 114 exemplares
Monsieur de Bougrelon (1902) 39 exemplares
Masks in the Tapestry (2017) 23 exemplares
Errant Vice (2002) 23 exemplares
Histoires de Masques (1987) 14 exemplares
Princesses d'ivoire et d'ivresse (1980) 14 exemplares
Fards and Poisons (2019) 11 exemplares
Œuvres romanesques, tome 1 (2007) 8 exemplares
Sonyeuse (1993) 7 exemplares
Maison pour dames (1989) 6 exemplares
La Maison Philibert (2011) 5 exemplares
Stories to Read by Candlelight (1897) 5 exemplares
The Blood of the Gods (1882) 5 exemplares
La mandragore (2005) 4 exemplares
Buveurs d'âmes (1893) 4 exemplares
Salvad Venecia (1998) 4 exemplares
Vingt femmes (2014) 3 exemplares
Œuvres romanesques, tome 3 (2010) 3 exemplares
Œuvres romanesques, tome 2 (2010) 3 exemplares
Le Crime des Riches 3 exemplares
Tres russe (2004) 3 exemplares
La dame aux lèvres rouges (2000) 3 exemplares
Princesse d'Italie (1898) 2 exemplares
Une femme par jour (1983) 2 exemplares
Ames d'automne (French Edition) (2014) 2 exemplares
La mandrágora (2015) 2 exemplares
Œuvres romanesques, tome 4 (2014) 2 exemplares
Récits fantastiques (2012) 2 exemplares
Le Poison de la Riviera (1992) 2 exemplares
Poussières de Paris (2006) 2 exemplares
Histoires de Batraciens (2008) 2 exemplares
LORELEY 1 exemplar
Miscellanées 1 exemplar
Âmes d’automne 1 exemplar
Hijas de reyes 1 exemplar
Ellen 1 exemplar
Petits plaisirs (2002) 1 exemplar
Madame Monpalou (1906) (2009) 1 exemplar
Un Damoniaque (1895) (2010) 1 exemplar
Les Lepillier 1 exemplar

Associated Works

Fantastic Tales: Visionary and Everyday (1983) — Contribuidor — 438 exemplares
100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories (1995) — Contribuidor — 217 exemplares
Late Victorian Gothic Tales (2005) — Contribuidor — 191 exemplares
French Decadent Tales (Oxford World's Classics) (2013) — Contribuidor — 114 exemplares
The Dedalus Book of Decadence (1990) — Contribuidor — 98 exemplares
The Dedalus Book of French Horror: The 19th Century (1998) — Contribuidor — 82 exemplares
The Second Dedalus Book of Decadence the Black Feast (1992) — Contribuidor — 50 exemplares
Decadence and Symbolism: A Showcase Anthology (2018) — Contribuidor — 8 exemplares
Snuggly Tales of Femmes Fatales (2022) — Contribuidor — 5 exemplares
Snuggly Tales of Hashish and Opium (2020) — Contribuidor — 5 exemplares


Conhecimento Comum

Nome canónico
Lorrain, Jean
Data de nascimento
Data de falecimento
Localização do túmulo
Cimetière de Fécamp, Fécamp, France
Local de nascimento
Fécamp, France
Local de falecimento
Fécamp, France
Locais de residência
Fécamp, France



Jean Lorrain writes what might be called fairy tales, with the conceit that the he can only half remember these stories, which themselves contain half-memories of earlier times. These are stories full of pathos and regret. They're very nineteenth century, full of a romantic longing for an earlier, pre-industrial world. But that world is gone forever, and that means that the stories are mostly sad stories. Possibly the closest thing I have read to them is Wilde's Happy Prince stories, except Lorrain is less sentimental and less determined to find an uplifting ending in loss.

The stories are quite varied, including straight fantasy stories about knights and quests, realist stories and a few stories somewhere in the middle, where it isn't certain where reality ends. This dreamlike quality is suggested by the title. I found the best time to read them was as I was drifting off to sleep -- they don't read quite so well on a crowded bus!

Patricia Worth's translation is excellent. It is all in very readable contemporary English and yet it still feels very French, which is an impressive feat. Thanks to Patricia for my review copy -- I enjoyed it immensely.
… (mais)
BGHilton | 1 outra crítica | Jun 8, 2022 |
El ejemplar lleva el sello de pertenencia de "Coleccion Alberto Tabbia"
ArchivoPietro | Oct 25, 2020 |
El ejemplar lleva el sello de pertenencia de "Coleccion Alberto Tabbia"

Escritor francés, poeta, cuentista y novelista nacido en 1855, Jean Lorrain fue el seudónimo utilizado por Paul Duval para firmar la mayor parte de su obra literaria. Fue muy conocido por su poesía y prosa decadentista, siendo un habitual de la vida bohemia parisina a finales del siglo XIX. Lorrain publicó en numerosas revistas como Le Chat Noir o Le Décadent y sus cuentos fantásticos tuvieron una gran acogida. Defensor del dandismo y provocador nato, no ocultó su homosexualidad, algo que no le impidió ser miembro de la Academia Goncourt. Su paso a la novela se dio en 1897 con la aclamada por la crítica Monsieur de Bougrelon. Su desmedida y duradera pasión por el éter, que como el láudano, la morfina o el opio circulaba cuantiosamente por los círculos literarios decadentistas de fin de siglo, le valieron nueve úlceras en el intestino que terminaron por matarlo en 1906.… (mais)
ArchivoPietro | Oct 25, 2020 |
Stories to Read by Candlelight recaptures memories of a provincial childhood full of 'melancholy and dreams.' Apart from the tales, the book is also strewn with the French author's lyrical remembrances of those early years and the places he inhabited.

'...When I think of that attic, I immediately see a blue-green vision with seaweed moving through it, and shimmering reflections, and large collapsed things: they are yardarms, masts and ships like cathedrals, spectres of flotsam from bygone days, ghosts from very old shipwrecks...'

Like the vision of the attic, this slim volume swims with stories that rise from the forgotten depths of the past. It contains a variety of tales, some terrifying, some creepy, some hopeful, others not. An old-fashioned word in the text - crepuscular - refers to the twilight, and many of the tales take place in this zone, uncovering shadows and indistinct forms which confront the reader with harsh truths and prejudices. Justice isn't always served, children can be cruel, and society can carelessly judge and torment those who don't fit in.

Queen Maritorne was one of my favourite tales, as was the sorrowful song of Marjolaine. I also took a fancy to those passages where the author spoke of his writing process, how 'reality prepares the canvas and imagination embroiders it.' Ably translated by Patricia Worth and gorgeously illustrated by Erin-Claire Barrow, Stories to Read by Candlelight truly does evoke candlelit rooms of old. More for adults, but readers twelve and over with a penchant for the macabre and unexpected might also enjoy this offering.
… (mais)
Elizabeth_Foster | 1 outra crítica | Dec 24, 2019 |

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