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Sándor MáraiCríticas

Autor(a) de Embers

193+ Works 8,917 Membros 269 Críticas 42 Favorited


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Pack exclusivo Fnac que reúne duas obras de excelência: Rebeldes, um romance sobre as dores e descobertas da passagem para a idade adulta, e A Herança de Eszter, uma história sobre uma mulher que vive uma existência cinzenta e monótona, esperando a morte e sonhando com o retorno de um amor impossível.
filinto_m | Apr 24, 2018 |
This book truly is a masterpiece. It's not really its story, but the way the book is written or the way it put me thinking and thinking some more until my brain hurt or how I found myself reading the same phrases inumerous times. Thank you, mom, for telling me about this wonderful book. Sándor Márai is such an exceptional writter. This was my first time reading his work but I'm sure it won't be the last.
Tropic_of_Cancer | 144 outras críticas | Dec 16, 2010 |
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