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Máighréad MedbhCríticas

Autor(a) de Tenant

5+ Works 8 Membros 1 Review


An unusual and interesting book, more snippets of philosophy than poetry by this Irish poet. Set in an easy to read format the, at times, deeply profound content is made easier to digest by its presentation. Written in 3 viewpoints - One, The Other, I - the text takes the reader on a journey through the poet's consciousness and reaction to life in the context of these different perspectives, with quotes from famous people as a starting point. Fascinating, challenging and thought provoking, I would have preferred more raw emotion to balance the highly intellectual ideas. My favourite piece was 175. safe love. This text is a keeper as, at a different times in life, a reader will always find further meaning in the words.
JudyCroome | May 21, 2016 |