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Obras por Andrea Thom


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n in-depth, gospel-centered Bible study on how Christ redeems even the worst forms of darkness lurking within and around us.

RUTH: Redeeming The Darkness uses God`s truth to touch our daily realities:

Fractured relationships
Processing feelings of bitterness, confusion, and doubt
All-in Christianity
Our response to the faithfulness and sovereignty of God
Have you ever felt like God has left you? Struggled with feelings of bitterness or doubt? Hopelessness? Ruth’s message is not presented as a five-point sermon but as a spectacular, romantic drama. Its story woos us into relationship with its characters and storyline, yet is also true, living history. This workbook-style bible study approach tackles important life topics including fractured relationships, all-in Christianity, God`s faithful devotion, and rightly processing bitterness and doubt.

Ruth is unlike any other book of the bible because words like love story and theatrical are accurate descriptors of its text alongside being historical, and gospel-centered. She’s small enough in her four chapters to rest as a cute hardback on your coffee table, yet profound enough to explode hope and redemption into your darkest pain and everyday frustrations. It is not only magnificent because of its breath-taking storyline between a man and a woman, but because God sovereignly orchestrated and sealed it within the scriptural canon so that we can experience Him as the ultimate lover of our souls. Ultimately, Ruth conveys the love story of Christ coming to redeem His people. Christ is coming for you. The host has ripped your ticket for Ruth’s next performance and you’ll be sitting front row centre as His guest of honor. Come expectantly and settle into your seat prayerfully. The orchestra is cued, and the curtain is pulling back for Act 1…

Can God be kind and all-powerful when the world is filled with despair?

My Thoughts:The book of Ruth is one of my favorite books. I have read and reread this book and done a few studies on the book.

I truly enjoyed this study and feel that readers will enjoy this as well.

The author has done in-depth study and written a wonderful Bible study that all will enjoy.

The study is easy to to read as well as good in-depth questions. This is a great study for learning on your own or in a group situation. This study comes highly recommended.

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MaryAnnB1964 | 3 outras críticas | Mar 1, 2019 |
This is an interesting book that goes over what the story of Ruth means from the Bible. It is a bible study that shows how the story of Ruth is pertinent to our lives today. It is an inciteful book. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 3 outras críticas | Dec 6, 2018 |
One of my favorite books of the Bible is Ruth. I love the story of redemption and true love as it really gives us a real picture of God's true and abiding love for us.

In this study, Andrea gives us a good background and has us studying not only Ruth but the relevant books that give us more information. I really liked this as I think it's helpful to understand what came before and the background of the people we're reading about.

I liked the questions that had me digging deeper and the Scriptures that gave me a good foundation. It was an easy study to do and would be great in a group setting. The author gives a lot of help at the end of the book for doing a group with the study so that is really helpful.

Overall, I think it was a good study. It wasn't overwhelming yet it helped me to grow in my understanding of Ruth. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

*This book was provided to me by Celebrate Lit. I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this book.
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Julie.D | 3 outras críticas | Nov 29, 2018 |
I really enjoy reading bible studies. This one is written so well, I spent hours just on one chapter. I love the questions at the end of every chapter. It helps me to dig deeper in the Word and look at things from a different perspective. I love the way the author uses elegant , descriptive words to entice us to really pay attention to what is being said. For example, "Regardless of why our hardships have come, we can trust God who blesses our obedience and has the power to transform our mistakes into something beautiful." The author encourages us that even though we may see hard times, God is still right beside us.

The bible story unravels the life of Ruth and Naomi chapter by chapter from the bible. We get to look at them through the eyes of scripture and understand how Naomi was instrumental in Ruth's life. I can understand why Naomi was so bitter. After all she lost her sons and her husband in a short period of time. I know I have been bitter towards God and couldn't understand why he had allowed things to happen to me.

I thought I knew the story of Ruth, but after going through this bible story, I learned so much that I feel as if I missed the book of Ruth from my bible. I know one of the most known scriptures about Ruth was when she said, "Where you go I will go." I suddenly remembered a song that we sing at church that reflects those words. Oh how I rejoiced that I got a revelation about something that I have heard or read so many times before.

I found the study to be well organized and filled with encouragement while retelling the story of Ruth in a way that is easy to understand. I never realized the importance of Boaz and how God ordained the coming together of Boaz and Ruth. It does read like a love story, but more of a love for the One true King. The study is one I think many will benefit from and get new insights to their own struggles.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
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Harley0326 | 3 outras críticas | Nov 26, 2018 |


½ 4.3