
fiction (322), fantasy (246), young adult (237), science fiction (218), heroine (217), magic (151), 2009 (104), urban fantasy (99), 2010 (98), romance (81), 2008 (73), 2011 (64), 2013 (61), classic (60), post apocalyptic (60), 2012 (59), dystopia (56), 2014 (47), @wishlist (46), graphic novel (46), aliens (44), dragons (35), 2015 (30), vampires (25), war (24), zombies (24), 2007 (24), time travel (23), faeries (22), fairy tales (21), early reviewer (19), fairy tale (19), pern (18), favorite (18), horror (17), children's (17), vorkosigan (16), historical fiction (16), gender (15), werewolves (15), mystery (14), fables (14), alternate history (14), big idea (14), scotland (13), humor (13), nonfiction (12), ghosts (12), play (12), mythology (12), politics (12), death (11), religion (11), 2016 (11), chick lit (10), demons (10), rape (10), murder (9), apocalyptic (9), military (9), suicide (9), telepathy (9), 2002 (9), talent series (8), epic (8), wicca (8), love (8), technology (8), napoleonic wars (7), private investigator (7), au (7), women doctors (7), supernatural (7), retelling (7), dreams (7), gods (6), victorian (6), memoir (6), witches (6), discworld (6), depression (6), wheel of time (6), friendship (6), intrigue (5), assassins (5), detective (5), rowan (5), music (5), beauty (4), changeling (4), angels (4), necromancy (4), feminist (4), poison (4), ships (4), pirates (4), apocalypse (4), monsters (4), language (4), adventure (4), unfinished (4), 2001 (4), tragedy (4), comedy (4), abuse (4), san francisco (4), pegasus series (3), australia (3), serial killers (3), petaybee (3), college (3), group read (3), food taster (3), steampunk (3), sisters (3), women (3), assassin (3), crime (3), chinese (3), london (3), short stories (3), family (3), earth's children (3), colonial america (3), beauty and the beast (3), cinderella (3), gunslinger (3), haunted house (3), wwii (3), world war ii (3), bdsm (3), thieves (3), amnesia (3), parasites (3), survival (3), spaceships (3), prehistoric (3), 1996 (3), crystal singer (3), revolution (3), genetic engineering (3), linguistics (3), historical fantasy (3), WWII (3), navy (3), soulmates (3), courtesans (3), widow (2), native americans (2), blitz (2), ley lines (2), plague (2), heist (2), digital photography (2), gay (2), terrorism (2), asgard (2), damar (2), sociopaths (2), epidemic (2), holocaust (2), princesses (2), mmo (2), news (2), video games (2), gentleman bastards (2), west (2), wwi (2), brilliants (2), homosexual (2), bullying (2), legends (2), psychic (2), 2003 (2), norse mythology (2), books (2), high school (2), 1997 (2), faerie (2), russia (2), jealousy (2), cyberpunk (2), history (2), environment (2), cancer (2), gothic (2), disease (2), games (2), historical (2), 1999 (2), how-to (2), golem (2), super powers (2), fey (2), mental illness (2), high fantasy (2), police (2), kidnapping (2), boarding school (2), poetry (2), orphans (2), twins (2), photography (2), tortall (1), goddess (1), rebirth (1), medieval (1), superpowers (1), jane eyre (1), secret society (1), guards (1), epistolary (1), arcana (1), evil (1), assassination (1), mourning (1), tarot (1), university (1), library (1), the old republic (1), toby daye (1), koschei (1), dragon age (1), super soldiers (1), barrayar (1), abandoment (1), skye (1), rapunzel (1), school (1), snow white (1), conspiracy (1), sierra leone (1), classics (1), fandom (1), sci fi (1), latin (1), fairies (1), space (1), robots (1), baking (1), prison (1), 1970s (1), crash (1), lost (1), villians (1), chimps (1), africa (1), cyborg (1), eating disorders (1), anorexia (1), lgbt (1), school shooting (1), consciousness (1), mages (1), JFK (1), airplanes (1), spies (1), 80s (1), new york (1), superheroes (1), horsemen (1), thief (1), gay romance (1), gambling (1), teleportation (1), haunted houses (1), noah (1), mutant (1), black death (1), blogging (1), sea monsters (1), creation (1), oppression (1), blogger (1), fan fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), memory loss (1), con men (1), sweden (1), bathroom book (1), LA (1), outcasts (1), teachers (1), old west (1), horses (1), bulemia (1), star wars (1), haunted (1), volcano (1), space opera (1), devils (1), famine (1), leadership (1), child soldiers (1), first contact (1), suicide bombers (1), plane crash (1), culture clash (1), habit (1), geeks (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Jun 7, 2007
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
My library is a mental library, defined by the things I carry around in my head as well as those I carry around on bookshelves.

You can see the things I own by checking out that collection, but as a librarian with easy (and free!) access to millions of books, it's far more interesting to take a gander at what I've been reading lately.

I don't buy books often - most of those I own are books I adored as a teen and found in used book stores, books I've adored as an adult with the same result, or books I've bought for a variety of classes. I've added most of my fiction books and am slowly working on adding the number of non-fiction (mostly history) books I own.

NOTIFICATION: If you notice an error/typo/etc in my catalog, please feel free to let me know and I will clean it up!
Acerca de Mim
I'm an academic librarian in Ohio who has recently re-discovered time to read-for-fun (as opposed to reading-for-graduate-degrees - MLS & MA in History). It's pretty fantastic!

I'm a pretty big sci-fi geek with a dash of fantasy thrown in, but I also love well-written historical fiction and the occasional 'popcorn' piece. And I have a never-ending fondness for Y/A lit.

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