
fiction (1,200), history (333), legal history (170), travel (122), biography (86), law (79), religion (78), autobiography (65), philosophy (54), politics (45), piano (36), children (36), railways (30), music (26), cars (26), language (21), science (19), psychology (15), science fiction (15), humour (13), fantasy (11), crime (10), writing (8), astronomy (8), economics (8), comedy (8), ideas (7), historiography (7), feminism (6), art (6), indigenous affairs (6), time travel (6), poetry (5), spies (5), fiction; short stories (5), consumerism (5), architecture (5), jurisprudence (4), education (4), physics (4), thinking (4), society (4), atheism (4), biology (4), medicine (3), Law (3), birds (3), cooking (3), aviation (3), newspapers (3), model railways (2), literature (2), mythology (2), gardening (2), sport (2), atlas (2), interviews (2), cartoons (2), nonfiction (2), drama (2), academia (2), skiing (2), Aborigines (2), higher education (2), letters (2), legal education (2), football (2), scouts (2), space travel (1), grammar (1), water (1), consumption (1), museum (1), golf (1), manners (1), mountaineering (1), psychiatry (1), censorship (1), life (1), Prison life (1), davidescu (1), Brexit (1), boring ramblings (1), new age loony (1), Charles Dickens editor (1), loony new age (1), +fiction (1), children's fiction (1), Aboriginality (1), quotations (1), law reports (1), Languages (1), Poverty (1), French (1), road rules (1), Travel (1), autobography (1), ficrion (1), movies (1), essays (1), hoaxes (1), Britain (1), maths (1), cosmology (1), myths (1), genealogy (1), novel (1), ecology (1), neurology (1), Physics (1), mathematics (1), cricket (1), languages (1), manuscripts (1), plays (1), lawyers (1), stories (1), sociology (1), 19th century (1), insanity (1), radio (1), refugees (1), parenting (1), war (1), misic (1), urban myths (1), prose (1), pianos (1), eating (1), ethics (1), building (1), hitory (1), neuroscience (1), business (1), gluttony (1), universities (1), meditation (1), satire (1), magazine (1), weather (1), engineering (1), convicts (1), hippie rubbish (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Mar 21, 2007
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Emphasis on legal history, law and history, plus shared fiction books with my wife.

visited 25 states (11.1%)
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Acerca de Mim
Retired legal academic, now leading a life of sloth.

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