
literature (422), magickal studies (182), Not Tagged (181), folklore (173), vampires (170), history (159), comparative religions (143), reference (143), mythology (118), supernatural fiction (96), Ancient Egyptian studies (79), psychology (74), sex and gender (67), biography (66), art books (66), Paganism (58), ghosts (56), linguistics (51), paranormal (48), ancient civilizations (45), poetry (44), pop culture (43), archaeology (43), forbidden archaeology (42), Hinduism (42), demonology (41), Asian studies (40), herbalism (38), thanatology (38), Christianity (37), Lovecraft studies (36), secret societies (36), occult (36), witchcraze (33), divination (33), graphic novel (31), history of Western magick (31), healing (31), Biblical studies (30), writing resources (30), shamanism (29), European history (29), science (28), energy work (27), Jung (27), alchemical studies (26), psychic development (26), medicine (25), American history (25), business (24), erotica (24), New Age (23), children's literature (23), sociology (22), angelology (22), psychic phenomena (21), Clip-Art (20), Atlantis (20), women's studies (20), Greek studies (19), mysticism (19), Tibetan Buddhism (19), Celtic (19), theodicy (18), Qabalah (17), grimoires (17), French language (17), art history (16), oneiromancy (16), yoga (16), Roman studies (16), Tarot (16), parapsychology (15), werewolves (15), reincarnation (15), sacred texts (15), Buddhism (15), faerie lore (14), Native American studies (14), metaphysics (14), Japan (13), conspiracy (13), warrior path (13), Luciferian studies (13), Freemasonry (13), sci-fi (13), classical literature (12), black arts (12), salt mine (12), ethics (12), astral projection (12), UFOs (12), philosophy (12), hermetic studies (12), double entry (11), fairytales (11), banned books (10), Taoism (10), extra copy (10), kink (9), Medieval Europe (9), grail bloodline (9), cinematography (8), ritual (8), ceremonial magick (8), true crime (8), Druidry (8), Golden Dawn (8), Necronomicon (8), Mesoamerica (8), Byron studies (8), cults (7), witchcraft (7), cats (7), Christian allegory (7), Theosophy (7), Sumeria (7), afrodiasporic (6), chaos magick (6), Thelema (6), runes (6), gothic culture (6), fiction (6), Sufism (6), Norse (6), mathematics (6), cryptozoology (6), physics (5), gothic literature (5), astrology (5), homeopathy (5), digital editions (5), speculative science (4), mythical beasts (4), music (4), Wicca (4), names (4), Qigong (4), psychic vampirism (4), dark paganism (4), political science (4), roleplaying (4), millenarianism (4), chakras (4), English language (4), nostradamus (3), Spanish language (3), Cleveland history (3), Chinese language (3), local history (3), Yezidi (3), Latin language (3), Spiritualism (3), gardening (3), channeled (3), symbology (3), dystopias (3), Jewish studies (3), Feri (3), law (3), reiki (3), necromancy (3), Enochian magick (3), exorcism (3), subtle body (3), Hittite studies (2), Zen (2), German language (2), world literature (2), Forteana (2), Gnosticism (2), China (2), American folklore (2), theology (2), quantam (2), autobiography (2), Middle Eastern studies (2), ritual design (2), rosicrucian (2), Islamic studies (2), WWII (2), serial killers (2), drama (2), Italian language (2), chaos theory (2), Etruscan studies (2), Arthurian studies (2), gemology (2), unexplained phenomena (2), massage (2), holidays (2), Christian Science (2), Bruno (2), skepticism (2), galley copy (2), feng shui (1), tantra (1), psychic self-defense (1), calendars (1), Solomonic tradition (1), Scottish (1), Hebrew language (1), not tagged (1), NDE (1), extreme speculation (1), British folklore (1), Russian language (1), anthropology (1), misogyny (1), maps (1), health (1), criminology (1), Korea (1), Irish mythology (1), I Ching (1), photography (1), Catholicism (1), geography (1), polyamory (1), out of body experience (1), fables (1), fine arts (1), Confucianism (1), hagiography (1), African myth (1), travelogues (1), management (1), anthologies (1), creationism (1)
Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Mar 29, 2008
Nome Real
Michelle Belanger
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
This is an online database representing a real, physical library. I started my collection for personal research, but over the years it's grown into a resource also used by others. The titles in the collection are focused mostly on magick, Western occultism, mythology, and world religions, although there's some fiction in the collection as well. Note that I own some of these books so as to be informed about them when they are cited by others -- for me, owning a book is not an immediate endorsement of its contents.
Acerca de Mim
I'm an author best known for my books on vampires, magick, and the occult. I am an avid bibliophile and it's an effort not to hoard books as if they were food and the nuclear winter was at hand.
NE Ohio
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