Academic concerns

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Academic concerns

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Abr 27, 2008, 9:17 am

To the academics on the list,

What are you currently reading?

What do you see as the important topics that need to be explored in alternate sexuality?

Abr 28, 2008, 3:25 am

I was at LLC (Leather Leadership Conference) earlier this month and someone on one of the panels read a brief bit from Ties That Bind by Guy Baldwin. That excerpt made that the probable next non-fic S/M book on my list.

Given that I work in the kink world, my whole reading situation is rather like the New Yorker who never actually goes to the Statue of Liberty: there's always going to be time, right? I really want to shake that mentality and start delving into some of the books we carry on more than a cursory "do we like this? should we carry it?" sort of level.

I think that there are too few well-written books that address polyamory, poly play, and the difference between these two things and their various siblings and cousins. I think that too often, the (dare I say it) vanilla poly world and the kinky poly world are lumped in together - in writing but also in social networks - when they rarely have much in common when it comes down to the real actions, feelings, and beliefs behind their poly status.

I also think that there should be a "gender handbook" for novices to the world of overlapping and greatly spanning gender. There are many great novels that can allow someone other-gendered to build a rapport with a queer-of-some-flavor character, but nothing non-fiction that I've seen that really gets into the nitty gritty of "is he or isn't she - do I ask which pronoun to use if I'm unsure?" and questions of that sort. Of course, any book like that would have to have as many disclaimers as it has opinions, but that's another story for another thread :)

Maio 1, 2008, 12:06 pm

I have an online book club where we discuss literature (fiction and non-fiction) regarding non-monogamy and our To Read bookshelf has quite an extensive list of books that include some form of non-monogamy in it. I recommend visiting out group if you are interested in polyamory in literature.

Maio 1, 2008, 12:26 pm

2: I know that Statue of Liberty feeling. I've got all these great books, but I'm working on a couple of essays, so all my reading has been narrowly focused in that area and I keep putting off the books that don't fit in.

I don't think anyone's going to touch the gender thing for a while. We're all being so careful not to make any definitions that constrict people in their choice of who to be that there are no rules except the ones that individuals make up for themselves. We're eventually going to have to confront the reality that social construction is a two-edged sword. It restricts you, but it also provides a context for you to interact with other people without everyone feeling hopelessly confused.

If you haven't already looked over Genderqueer, you might try it. It's a really uneven book, and there's not a lot about the kinky community in it, but it does give voice to some of the various strains of gender that are out there.

Baldwin's been saying a lot of provocative things lately. I'm not sure I agree with him, but he certainly makes you think.