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Too Bright to See (2021)

por Kyle Lukoff

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25813105,837 (4.12)14
In the summer before middle school, eleven-year-old Bug must contend with best friend Moira suddenly caring about clothes, makeup, and boys; a ghost haunting; and the truth about Bug's gender identity. It's the summer before middle school and eleven-year-old Bug's best friend Moira has decided the two of them need to use the next few months to prepare. For Moira, this means figuring out the right clothes to wear, learning how to put on makeup, and deciding which boys are cuter in their yearbook photos than in real life. But none of this is all that appealing to Bug, who doesn't particularly want to spend more time trying to understand how to be a girl. Besides, there's something more important to worry about: a ghost is haunting Bug's eerie old house in rural Vermont...and maybe haunting Bug in particular. As Bug begins to untangle the mystery of who this ghost is and what they're trying to say, an altogether different truth comes to light--Bug is transgender.… (mais)
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Gr 4–7—Living in an old house in Vermont, Bug has always known ghosts. Now, beloved Uncle Roderick may be
among them, sending Bug important messages from beyond. Bug also has to deal with the growing distance from
best friend Moira, who has decided they both need to shift their focus to boys and makeup, things that Bug just can't
relate to. This queer ghost story is a haunting exploration of gender identity and grief that will linger with readers long after the final page.
  BackstoryBooks | Apr 1, 2024 |
This book helped me see about how a transgender young person feels. This will help me if I work with them. ( )
  DebbyTaufernerVa3492 | Aug 13, 2023 |
Set in rural Vermont in a house that is haunted, this middle grade novel accomplishes many things: it portrays true friendship, explores gender identity in a compassionate way, and explores elements of contemporary realistic fiction and coming of age, with elements of fantasy that keep you intrigued throughout.
  megannealis | Jul 26, 2023 |
In the summer before middle school, eleven-year-old Bug's best friend Moira is focused on typical preteen concerns, but Bug is preoccupied by something else entirely: a haunting ghost in her eerie rural Vermont house. As she investigates the ghost's identity and its messages, Bug unravels a different revelation about herself—she realizes she is transgender. This poignant and gripping coming-of-age tale explores Bug's journey of self-discovery amidst ghostly mysteries and the challenges of understanding her identity as she enters adolescence.
  rebecamp | Jul 26, 2023 |
Trans identity journeys and haunted houses -- great combination, and I love love love that Uncle Roderick was a drag queen. I also love how Bug just really loves to be a kid in nature -- that being outside messing around or sitting around reading is one of the way she deals with her grief. I also love the incredibly supportive friend/family narrative, and the general quirky family life -- living in very rural Vermont, making a living off of greeting card sales. It's a good book. The overnight identity revelation feels simultaneously hard to believe and inevitable, and I think that lends a huge amount of authenticity. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 27, 2023 |
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For all the students who came through my library at Corlears School, 2012-2020. This book is because of you.
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It's strange living in our old house, now that Uncle Roderick is dead.
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In the summer before middle school, eleven-year-old Bug must contend with best friend Moira suddenly caring about clothes, makeup, and boys; a ghost haunting; and the truth about Bug's gender identity. It's the summer before middle school and eleven-year-old Bug's best friend Moira has decided the two of them need to use the next few months to prepare. For Moira, this means figuring out the right clothes to wear, learning how to put on makeup, and deciding which boys are cuter in their yearbook photos than in real life. But none of this is all that appealing to Bug, who doesn't particularly want to spend more time trying to understand how to be a girl. Besides, there's something more important to worry about: a ghost is haunting Bug's eerie old house in rural Vermont...and maybe haunting Bug in particular. As Bug begins to untangle the mystery of who this ghost is and what they're trying to say, an altogether different truth comes to light--Bug is transgender.

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