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The Beekeeper's Apprentice (1994)

por Laurie R. King

Outros autores: Ver a secção outros autores.

Séries: Mary Russell (1), Mary Russell: Chronological Order (1915-1919)

MembrosCríticasPopularidadeAvaliação médiaMenções
5,9652941,711 (4.06)482
A chance meeting with a Sussex beekeeper turns into a pivotal, personal transformation when fifteen-year-old Mary Russell discovers that the beekeeper is the reclusive, retired detective Sherlock Holmes, who soon takes on the role of mentor and teacher.
  1. 130
    The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie por Alan Bradley (clif_hiker, 47degreesnorth)
    47degreesnorth: Younger heroine and more precocious but similar
  2. 70
    A Monstrous Regiment of Women por Laurie R. King (catpal1)
    catpal1: All of the books in this series are wonderful. It's such a fresh take on the Sherlock Holmes fiction: the give-and-take reminds me of the old Kate Hepburn/Spencer Tracy pairings.
  3. 50
    The Seven-Per-Cent Solution por Nicholas Meyer (markusnenadovus)
  4. 50
    A Red Herring Without Mustard por Alan Bradley (47degreesnorth)
  5. 50
    Maisie Dobbs por Jacqueline Winspear (Sally604)
    Sally604: Mysteries set in the same era with a female detective - lots of fun to read.
  6. 30
    The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag por Alan Bradley (47degreesnorth)
    47degreesnorth: No Holmes but younger more precocious heroine with a thirst to solve the case.
  7. 30
    Mr. Churchill's Secretary por Susan Elia MacNeal (yonitdm)
    yonitdm: They both feature brilliant, strong women as main characters, plus mystery, intrigue, and many, many cups of tea.
  8. 20
    The Final Solution. A Story of Detection por Michael Chabon (laytonwoman3rd)
    laytonwoman3rd: This book also features an elderly beekeeper who does some detecting, and who we are meant to understand to be Sherlock Holmes, although his name is not mentioned.
  9. 20
    The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes por Martin Harry Greenberg (Othemts)
  10. 10
    Chalice por Robin McKinley (MyriadBooks)
    MyriadBooks: To continue a bit of the bee theme.
  11. 00
    Sherlock Holmes and the Red Demon por Larry Millett (Othemts)
  12. 00
    A Slight Trick of the Mind por Mitch Cullin (Othemts)
  13. 01
    Holmes on the Range por Steve Hockensmith (clif_hiker)
  14. 01
    And Only to Deceive por Tasha Alexander (nessreader)
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Mostrando 1-5 de 293 (seguinte | mostrar todos)
I enjoyed this book, though not as much as I had hoped to. I’m not sure I will be continuing with the series; while I did enjoy the book, it also wasn’t quite what I had expected (or wanted) from the tone, and up until the last third or so of the book I didn’t really get to a “must pick this book back up” state. I may revisit more of the series at some point, but I’m not sure yet.

The plot was interesting, and it was a reminder to myself that I should trust my mystery book instincts more... I had a hunch about the whodunnit, but since the characters weren't considering that angle at all, I let myself forget about it.

I guess I just never got hooked on the characters as presented in this book. I didn't connect with Mary Russell in a way that compelled me to keep reading, and Holmes and Watson both felt close enough to their original versions that there was nothing "new" there for me to discover. (Perhaps in later books I would connect more with the characters, but that hasn't happened yet.) ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | Jul 1, 2024 |
1) On the plus side: This is very well-written.

2) On the minus side: This is fan-fiction of the worst kind, the kind with a Mary-Sue original character who is the author's avatar, who is perfect and lovable and wonderful beyond all measure. The character who inspired the fan-fiction only gets the role of fawning and gushing about how wonderful the Mary-Sue character is.

I might have been able to forgive point 2 because of point 1. However, point 3 kills this one for me:

3) On the minus side: Dr. Watson. At the very heart of the Sherlock Holmes canon is his friendship with Watson. Sure, he is not as brilliant as Holmes (who is?... well, Mary Russell is, apparently), but he is a loyal and valued companion, honest, brave and full of integrity, whose friendship makes Holmes a better man. Holmes and Watson care about each other, and that is shown in the canon many times, specially at moments of danger. Here there's only room for Mary Russell, and Sherlock needs to be completely devoted to admiring how perfect Mary Russell is. There's no room for Watson in that game, so the writer gets rid of him in the worst possible way. When the author remembers him he is treated as a bumbling idiot whom Holmes and Mary Russell openly despise. Mary Russell comes across as a conceited idiot, and Holmes is so out of character that there's no way to salvage this. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
I am DNFing this one, as I am just not enjoying the story. The beginning showed promise for what I consider to be Sherlock Holmes fan fiction. Once the detective portion of the story begins, the cases are rather silly and some of the decisions made by Holmes seem to lack logical reasoning.

  Ann_R | May 25, 2024 |
First, this is Sherlock, not beekeeping, as the cover and title, and even alternate title lead one to believe. (I tend to be a judge-a-book-by-its-cover person unless it's been recommended to me.) This is quite an old book, tho that doesn't matter as it's set in the early 20th century with Sherlock having retired to the countryside. This book is about a young woman who is equally sherlockian in her intellect, and how she becomes Sherlock's apprentice. They solve a few cases together, and we generally see them become fast friends and intellectual equals. I enjoyed the cases, they are as well done as any other Sherlock retelling, and Mary, the main character, is fun to follow around, though she does suffer from being a bit too perfect. Sherlock is also given a generous reimagining, veering away from the abrasive, neurodivergent recluse and becoming a wise kindly old man for the most part. One might imagine that's how he would be to his intellectual equal, but it's certainly a change. I was swept away in the world created here though, so I will try the next in the series. ( )
  KallieGrace | May 8, 2024 |
Recommended by John Fielding, friend
  JimandMary69 | Mar 30, 2024 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 293 (seguinte | mostrar todos)
But at the heart of the novel is not the historical accuracy or the gender commentary; rather, the core of the story is the partnership between Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes. It's a partnership between equals, of two keen minds, two clever, stubborn, and formidable people who nevertheless feel the psychological weight of the profession they have chosen to follow. Moreover, there's none of that tired and overdone sexual tension that one might expect from a story with two protagonists of the opposite gender. There are no romantic interludes, tense moments, or pensive fantasizing. Instead, rather like the recent adaptation Elementary, the story does something remarkable: portray a friendship and a relationship between two unique characters of opposite genders without going down the tired, old, (and, in the case of Holmesian adaptations, particularly overdone) path of romance.

» Adicionar outros autores (8 possíveis)

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Laurie R. Kingautor principaltodas as ediçõescalculado
Sterlin, JennyNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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For another M.R., my mother, Mary Richardson
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I was fifteen when I first met Sherlock Holmes, fifteen years old with my nose in a book as I walked the Sussex Downs, and I nearly stepped on him.
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He said nothing. Very sarcastically.
My main passions were becoming theoretical Mathematics and the complexities of Rabbinic Judaism, two topics which are dissimilar only on the surface.
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A chance meeting with a Sussex beekeeper turns into a pivotal, personal transformation when fifteen-year-old Mary Russell discovers that the beekeeper is the reclusive, retired detective Sherlock Holmes, who soon takes on the role of mentor and teacher.

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