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The Carrier (1998)

por Jamal Mahjoub

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423613,819 (2.9)1
This is a beautifully evocative novel with a compelling central theme - man's quest for knowledge - and some magical ingredients - the double storyline (past and present), the 16th-century Mediterranean setting, the optical device, the 'twins', Jutland, physics, astronomy, archaeology, destiny, superstition and legend. Jamal Mahjoub has an extraordinary imagination and uses language in a striking way (he is particularly good at evoking all the sounds and smells of the different places in the novel). This book heralds the arrival of an extremely distinctive young novelist.… (mais)
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823.914 MAH
  ScarpaOderzo | Apr 17, 2020 |
Ik heb dit boek in de Nederlandse vertaling gelezen en die vertaling is bedroevend: het aantal totaal idiote beeldspraken is niet te geloven. Om enkele voorbeelden te geven "de maan zoogt de hongerige sterren" (306) of "het overtollige water uit zijn laarzen" (49) (alsof niet al het water in de laarzen overtollig is) of "blaast het water (?) de woorden terug in zijn buik". Hoe idioot kan je vertalen?
Het verhaal op zich viel ook tegen: zeker geen "magistrale" roman over oosterse wijsheid en westerse kennis. ( )
  Hiensch | Jul 2, 2015 |
The novel's twin strands of the modern-day historical/archaeological investigation and the 17th century story which it unfolds, echo the central themes of the intertwining of East and West at a critical point in the scientific field and the cultural barriers for the key individuals which are created through prejudice and fear.

The historical tale is evocatively written and is an engagingly ripping yarn. The added dimensions of how fear and ignorance block scientific advance and the focus on the characters who manage to escape or transcend the cultural barriers give the novel some added texture and depth.

I didn't find the final part of the novel as satisfying as the rest, but it's still a good read overall. It contrives to address some uncomfortable themes and deliver relevant historical background without leaving readers feeling they've been too earnestly lectured; it kept me turning the pages and left me wanting to read more by the author. ( )
  Roobee1 | Apr 25, 2013 |
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Jamal Mahjoubautor principaltodas as ediçõescalculado
Jung, BarbaraTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Rutten, KathleenTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Saßmann, SabineÜbersetzerautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Ysebaert, NeleTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado

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This is a beautifully evocative novel with a compelling central theme - man's quest for knowledge - and some magical ingredients - the double storyline (past and present), the 16th-century Mediterranean setting, the optical device, the 'twins', Jutland, physics, astronomy, archaeology, destiny, superstition and legend. Jamal Mahjoub has an extraordinary imagination and uses language in a striking way (he is particularly good at evoking all the sounds and smells of the different places in the novel). This book heralds the arrival of an extremely distinctive young novelist.

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