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Their Duchess

por Jess Michaels

Séries: Theirs (2)

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Their Duchess by Jess Michaels
Theirs 2

Fantasies…we all have them…and so do the characters in this book. How wonderful to read their fantasies become real and live vicariously through their story. I love this author’s books and look forward eagerly to reading each and every one of them.

In this series there are three, not two, who find happiness together. This time it is an unloved widowed duchess that ends up with two men that adore her as she adores them. The emotions are strong, the steam level high, the love enduring, and the ending heartwarming for the three…and for me.

I loved Anna’s ability to communicate what she wanted.
I loved Oliver’s steadfast commitment to Anna.
I loved Ezra’s ability to see what could be and his willingness and ability to make it happen.
I loved each individual and thoroughly enjoyed reading how they were able to come together and find their happily ever after together.

Smiling as I think about this story and thinking about rereading again soon.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC – this is my honest review.

5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Feb 5, 2023 |
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Theirs (2)
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Média: (4.83)
4.5 1
5 2

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