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The Bourne Ultimatum (1990)

por Robert Ludlum

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Séries: Jason Bourne (03)

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5,951471,715 (3.6)40
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER
At a small-town carnival, two men, each mysteriously summoned by telegram, witness a bizarre killing. The telegrams are signed “Jason Bourne.” Only they know Bourne’s true identity and understand that the telegrams are really a message from Bourne’s mortal enemy, Carlos, known also as the Jackal, the world’s deadliest and most elusive terrorist. And furthermore, they know what the Jackal wants: a final confrontation with Bourne. Now David Webb, professor of Oriental studies, husband, and father, must do what he hoped never to do again—assume the terrible identity of Jason Bourne. His plan is simple: to infiltrate the politically and economically omnipotent Medusan group and use himself as bait to lure the cunning Jackal into a deadly trap—a trap from which only one of them will escape.… (mais)
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A true page-turner series ( )
  BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |
En un carnaval de un pueblo pequeño, dos hombres, cada uno convocado misteriosamente por telegrama, son testigos de un extraño asesinato. Los telegramas están firmados por Jason Bourne. Sólo ellos conocen la verdadera identidad de Bourne y entienden que el telegrama es en realidad un mensaje del enemigo mortal de Bourne, Carlos, también conocido como el Chacal, el terrorista más mortífero y escurridizo del mundo. Y, además, saben lo que quiere el Chacal: un enfrentamiento final con Bourne.
  Natt90 | Jan 4, 2023 |
Great description of events and place but too wordy during important scenes. ( )
  Lcmcsr | Apr 10, 2022 |
Tenants Harbor - 2022 #1 - This was a dreadfully long slog for me. I started this on my July 4th camping trip, and have finally finished it 6+months later. This does not sound like the encouraging intro to a positive review.....and it is not meant to be. I do usually love Ludlum, albeit they sometimes tend to be a bit convoluted. But this one convoluted into near destruction. My life was such that every time i picked the book up, I could not figure out or recall what the hell was going on.....a steady cacophony of names, from not only this book, but the previous books (which i read eons ago!), kept me in a near-permanent state of fog. Not to mention we have 2 enemies in this tale, 1 so complicated it was hard to follow. If i went back and re-read 3 or 4 pages, i could typically recover and move forward......but by then, often, my limited reading time had passed......WARNING!!!!! - this is not a 5-10 page at a time book (unless you want it to take 1/2 a year!)
So the premise of David Webb vs. Jason Bourne had it heyday in the first and second book.....but the number of times there was a heart-tugging lament of the pain and struggle with his wife Marie, or within his own psyche between these 2 alter egos was positively embarrassing. I GET IT!!! HE IS 2 PEOPLE.....ITS HARD.....BUT FOR GODS SAKE, LET HIM DO WHAT HE NEEDS TO DO AND STOP WHINING ABOUT IT!!!! The touchy-feely quotient here almost led me to do what i have never done.....give up on a book before finishing it! But then i would be unauthorized to write an honest review.....thus, i slogged on.
Is there excitement? Most definitely......here............oh, and there.............ooooo, i found some here, too........but scattered helter skelter. And each bit of it seemed like this might finally be what we have been waiting for......Bourne vs. the Jackal final closure......but the 2" plus of book still unread meant it was not yet to be.......over and over and over we are lead to the brink.......only to be disappointed. Eventually, you are just anxious to plow through quickly, because you know it is not what you are hoping for.....& thus i was less interested in the specifics.....because i knew there were likely 3 or 4 more yet to come......just frustrating.
And Marie.....come on......she knows he has to do what he needs to do for them to have a safe existence.....and she does not want him to be in jeopardy......but he has to be. Marie consistently balled up the works and made his job even more difficult over and over.....continuing to add to the emotional struggle roller-coaster of David/Jason/David/Jason...........oh please......not the book's best quality in my humble opinion. Had she not flown to Europe when she was not supposed to, i might have finished this in maybe 3 months. Enough said.....sorry for the rambling.....I'll stop. I will watch the movie just because......and i will read more of my Ludlum......but it won't be soon..... ( )
1 vote jeffome | Jan 10, 2022 |
just terrible. ( )
  austinburns | Dec 16, 2021 |
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Ludlum, RobertAutorautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Mcgavin, DarrenReaderautor principalalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Ingwersen, JörnTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Lahtinen, Aarne T. K.Tradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Schlereth, EinarTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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For Bobbi and Leonard Raichert, two lovely people who have enriched our lives - Our Thanks
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Darkness had descended on Manassas, Virginia, the countryside alive with nocturnal undercurrents, as Bourne crept through the woods bordering the estate of General Norman Swayne.
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER
At a small-town carnival, two men, each mysteriously summoned by telegram, witness a bizarre killing. The telegrams are signed “Jason Bourne.” Only they know Bourne’s true identity and understand that the telegrams are really a message from Bourne’s mortal enemy, Carlos, known also as the Jackal, the world’s deadliest and most elusive terrorist. And furthermore, they know what the Jackal wants: a final confrontation with Bourne. Now David Webb, professor of Oriental studies, husband, and father, must do what he hoped never to do again—assume the terrible identity of Jason Bourne. His plan is simple: to infiltrate the politically and economically omnipotent Medusan group and use himself as bait to lure the cunning Jackal into a deadly trap—a trap from which only one of them will escape.

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