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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

por Dee Brown

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9,095132916 (4.27)317
History. Nonfiction. HTML:The "fascinating" #1 New York Times bestseller that awakened the world to the destruction of American Indians in the nineteenth-century West (The Wall Street Journal).
First published in 1970, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee generated shockwaves with its frank and heartbreaking depiction of the systematic annihilation of American Indian tribes across the western frontier. In this nonfiction account, Dee Brown focuses on the betrayals, battles, and massacres suffered by American Indians between 1860 and 1890. He tells of the many tribes and their renowned chiefs—from Geronimo to Red Cloud, Sitting Bull to Crazy Horse—who struggled to combat the destruction of their people and culture. Forcefully written and meticulously researched, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee inspired a generation to take a second look at how the West was won. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dee Brown including rare photos from the author's personal collection.… (mais)
  1. 71
    I Will Fight No More Forever: Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War por Merrill D. Beal (myshelves)
  2. 51
    Our Hearts Fell to the Ground: Plains Indian Views of How the West Was Lost por Colin G. Calloway (eromsted)
    eromsted: Historical documents with academic introduction
  3. 20
    Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto por Jr. Vine Deloria (Sandydog1)
    Sandydog1: Both are excellent overviews of US policy towards Native Americans.
  4. 20
    The Earth Is Weeping: The Epic Story of the Indian Wars for the American West por Peter Cozzens (Cecrow)
  5. 10
    Little Big Man por Thomas Berger (CGlanovsky)
    CGlanovsky: A different perspective on the tragedy of the American West.
  6. 10
    The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America por Thomas King (Cecrow)
  7. 00
    A Century of Dishonor por Helen Hunt Jackson (John_Vaughan)
  8. 00
    Son of the Morning Star por Evan S. Connell (John_Vaughan)
  9. 11
    Massacres in the jungle : Ixcán, Guatemala, 1975-1982 por Ricardo Falla-Sánchez (Muscogulus)
    Muscogulus: This book documents the systematic massacre of indigenous people in Guatemala in the more recent past.
  10. 00
    Touch the Earth: A Self Portrait of Indian Existence por T. C. McLuhan (dypaloh)
    dypaloh: An oral history expressing what was lost to North America’s first peoples after dispossession from their lands and cultures. The voices are sometimes despondent but most always eloquent.
  11. 01
    A long and terrible shadow : white values, native rights in the Americas, 1492-1992 por Thomas R. Berger (caballer)
  12. 12
    Custer por Larry McMurtry (Artymedon)
    Artymedon: Black Elk was at Wounded Knee and reenacted Little Big Horn in Buffalo Bill's show.
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    Black Hills/White Justice: The Sioux Nation Versus the United States : 1775 to the Present por Edward Lazarus (dkohler52)
  14. 02
    The Earth Shall Weep por James Wilson (Cecrow)
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A grim and hard to read factual account of the genocide of the Native American. The author never let's his emotions get the better of himself but lets his anger show in the baldly stated facts of history.
This book should be read alongside the stories of the destruction of the Aztecs and Incas by the Spainish. There is a similar disregard for (foreign/non Christian) humanity. A willingness to do anything for gold or land, and an inability to maintain the rule of law in the face of a short term gain.
This story is still being repeated somewhere in the world, like the Amazon basin where indigenous tribes are being pressure to move off their land make way for development.
It will continue to happen while there are people who don't read or write books like this one. ( )
  Rory_Bergin | Jun 11, 2024 |
> Babelio : https://www.babelio.com/livres/Brown-Enterre-mon-coeur-a-Wounded-Knee/559980

> LA TRAGÉDIE DE LA CONQUÊTE DE L’OUEST. — Historien et bibliothécaire de l'université de l'Illinois, Dee Brown a consacré sa vie à l'histoire des États-Unis au XIXᵉ siècle, jusqu’à son décès en 2002.
Publié pour la première fois en 1970, Enterre mon cœur à Wounded Knee a été traduit dans le monde entier. Pour une bonne raison : ce livre a changé pour toujours la vision que nous avons de l’histoire des États-Unis et de la relation de ce pays avec les premiers habitants du continent américain.
Largement basé sur des documents inédits (archives militaires et gouvernementales, procès-verbaux des traités, récits de première main…), il retrace les trente années décisives, de 1860 à 1890, qui ont marqué ce que l’on appelle « la conquête de l'Ouest » : de la longue Marche des Navajos en 1860 au massacre de Wounded Knee en 1890, Enterre mon cœur se fait la chronique de la dépossession des Indiens qui perdent leurs terres, leur liberté et souvent la vie au nom de l’expansion américaine.
Si l’histoire est souvent écrite du point de vue des vainqueurs, ce livre donne la parole aux vaincus et compose un chant tragique et inoubliable.
Ce classique, qui était depuis quelques années épuisé en France, fait enfin l’objet d’une nouvelle édition entièrement révisée : un superbe cahier photos accompagne cette nouvelle traduction. La préface de Joseph Boyden, le célèbre écrivain canadien d’origine irlando-amérindienne, met en perspective l’apport de cet ouvrage à la relecture de l’histoire humaine.
*Enterre mon cœur à Wounded Knee, Dee Brown, Préface de Joseph Boyden, (traduit de l’américain par Nathalie Cunnington), Ed. Albin Michel, 480 pages, 24 €.
—L’Homme en Question, (24), Eté 2008, (p. 6)

> EXTRAIT DE LA PRÉFACE DE JOSEPH BOYDEN, auteur du Chemin des âmes et des Saisons de la solitude, à paraître en août 2009. — C’est en 1982 que j’ai pour la première fois entendu parler d’Enterre mon cœur à Wounded Knee […] Il avait été publié en Amérique plus de dix ans auparavant […] À la lecture de ce livre, ma façon de voir le monde, mes opinions politiques, ma sensibilité ont subi une véritable révolution conceptuelle. L’adolescent à problèmes que j’étais s’est retrouvé contraint de regarder autour de lui. Mais surtout, fait prendre conscience du sang qui coulait dans mes veines, le sang d’ancêtres Ojibwés et européens […] fort que nous devons comprendre, dans toute leur complexité, notre histoire commune et les actions de nos ancêtres avant de pouvoir reconnaître la responsabilité de notre sang dans cette folie meurtrière. C’est seulement à ce moment-là que nous pourrons avancer tous ensemble […] Dix-sept ans après que je me le suis procuré, ce livre continue de guider ma plume. Parfois en sortent les voix des opprimés, parfois encore, celles de fantômes qui exigent simplement qu’on les écoute. Nous sommes tout à la fois les conquérants et les conquis, dans un même corps, et c’est cela que Dee Brown nous invite à reconnaître.
*Enterre mon cœur à Wounded Knee, Dee Brown, Préface de Joseph Boyden, (traduit de l’américain par Nathalie Cunnington), Ed. Albin Michel, 480 pages, 24 €.
—L’Homme en Question, (24), Eté 2008, (p. 6)
  Joop-le-philosophe | May 31, 2024 |
Dee Brown se v této knize pokusil zmapovat temnou kapitolu amerických dějin, kterou bezesporu dobývání amerického Západu je, a vytvořil fascinující dokument o období let 60 – 90 předminulého století, o období takzvaných indiánských válek, kdy se vlivem stále rostoucí expanze bílých osadníku, valících se na Západ jako nespoutaná lavina s definitivní platností dovršil tragický osud původních obyvatel severoamerického kontinentu.
  PDSS | Apr 30, 2024 |
An absolutely essential read. History that will move you to tears time and time again. ( )
  elahrairah | Apr 29, 2024 |
This book is a dense history of Native American history. I remember reading this as a Reader's Digest Condense book when I was much younger and I imagine a lot of people at the time read this book in that format. However, it was worthwhile to actually read the entire book. It provides an interesting comparison to the way that Native American history was taught in school. I actually do recommend reading this book if you have an interest in Native American history.

Since it's a history I am not sure that spoiler applies but the source of the title was quite interesting to me. It refers to the fact that the parents of Crazy Horse buried his heart and other remains in a secret spot near Wounded Knee. ( )
  GrammaPollyReads | Apr 25, 2024 |
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Nome do autorPapelTipo de autorObra?Estado
Brown, Deeautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Curtis, Edward S.Fotógrafoautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Degner, HelmutTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Gardner, GroverNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Knipscheer, JosTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Sides, HamptonPrefácioautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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I shall not be there. I shall rise and pass.

Bury my heart at Wounded Knee.

- (Stephen Vincent Benét)
Ik zal daar niet zijn. Ik zal mij oprichten en heengaan. Begraaf mijn hart bij de bocht van de rivier. (Stephen Vincent Benet)
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For Nicolas Brave Wolf
Primeiras palavras
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It began with Christopher Columbus, who gave the people the name Indios.
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Americans who have always looked westward when reading about this period should read this book facing eastward.
Now they were all good Indians.
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(Carregue para mostrar. Atenção: Pode conter revelações sobre o enredo.)
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LCC Canónico
History. Nonfiction. HTML:The "fascinating" #1 New York Times bestseller that awakened the world to the destruction of American Indians in the nineteenth-century West (The Wall Street Journal).
First published in 1970, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee generated shockwaves with its frank and heartbreaking depiction of the systematic annihilation of American Indian tribes across the western frontier. In this nonfiction account, Dee Brown focuses on the betrayals, battles, and massacres suffered by American Indians between 1860 and 1890. He tells of the many tribes and their renowned chiefs—from Geronimo to Red Cloud, Sitting Bull to Crazy Horse—who struggled to combat the destruction of their people and culture. Forcefully written and meticulously researched, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee inspired a generation to take a second look at how the West was won. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dee Brown including rare photos from the author's personal collection.

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