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The Suns of Caresh

por Paul Saint

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In England a hotel worker has been turned to stone, an ancient lake has vanished, and the inmate of a mental hospital is being terrorised by unseen creatures. In Israel, in the shadow of Masada, an archaeological dig unearths something that should have stayed buried. The Doctor is sure he is dealing with a local and relatively straightforward temporal anomaly. Troy Game, a refugee from the planet Caresh, is not so certain. She believes the impending destruction of her home world is somehow linked to the events on Earth, and she is pinning her hopes on the Doctor to avert the catastrophe. But can the Doctor interfere with a planet's destiny? And should he risk his new-found freedom to do it?… (mais)
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This Past Doctor Adventure, with the Third Doctor and jo Grant, has a number of excellent concepts. Caresh itself is a planet which (slightly implausibly) orbits alternately around one of its two suns, with a threatened civilisation and an interfering Time Lord or two. A Careshi woman turns up in England of 1999, one of a number of symptoms of the chaos caused by her home world's problems, and there are some very good cognitive dissonance passages like the one above. There's some impressive writing of Tardis misbehaviour and body horror. But it didn't quite hang together for me, and I found some of the colourful elements (Israeli archaeological site, for instance) confusing rather than illustrative. Still, worth reading for fans of the era. ( )
  nwhyte | Sep 9, 2013 |
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In England a hotel worker has been turned to stone, an ancient lake has vanished, and the inmate of a mental hospital is being terrorised by unseen creatures. In Israel, in the shadow of Masada, an archaeological dig unearths something that should have stayed buried. The Doctor is sure he is dealing with a local and relatively straightforward temporal anomaly. Troy Game, a refugee from the planet Caresh, is not so certain. She believes the impending destruction of her home world is somehow linked to the events on Earth, and she is pinning her hopes on the Doctor to avert the catastrophe. But can the Doctor interfere with a planet's destiny? And should he risk his new-found freedom to do it?

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