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The Dragon in the Sea (1955)

por Frank Herbert

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1,1081818,659 (3.4)18
In the twenty-first century, the United States has all but used up its oil supply. A new source must be found. Our atomic subtugs begin stealing oil from underwater deposits in enemy territory. But none of the last twenty tugs sent to bring back the desperately needed mineral have returned. Ensign John Ramsey of the Bureau of Psychology is planted aboard the Fenian Ram S1881 as an electronics officer. His assignment: find the saboteur in the four-man crew and bring back the oil.… (mais)
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Ramsey is a military psychoanalyst assigned to the Fenian Ram, a small submarine tasked with the dangerous job of surreptitiously extracting oil from enemy territory. He's been assigned to determine why so many submariners have been having breakdowns. Much of the novel involves tedious, jargonistic descriptions of submarine operations; the characters are largely cut-outs and mouthpieces. Ramsey finds his answer: "The breakdowns are a rejection of birth by men who have unconsciously retreated into the world of prebirth." Early, somewhat thin Herbertian reflections on: military affairs, the use-value of religion, and sanity in relation to variable environments ("[Sanity is] 'The ability to swim [...] That means the sane person has to understand currents, has to know what's required in different waters").
  mothhovel | Sep 21, 2023 |
I rated this 3 🌟 for the author's ability to convey the crackling tension in that little submarine, despite the reader's zero knowledge of subs and anything to do with them.

It's advanced years into the war with the Eastern Powers. The British Isles have been blown off the map."We" have used up so much of the Earth's oil that we're now resigned to sneaking it out of the Eastern Powers' Arctic reservoirs in mile-long "slugs" filled and towed behind mini-subs. But the subs keep getting caught and destroyed by the EPs, and crews keep going psychotic. The Bureau of Psychology has a plan... ( )
  burritapal | Oct 23, 2022 |
Venti sommergibili usciti in missione, venti sommergibili scoperti e distrutti dal nemico. Quattro ufficiali del Servizio Sottomarino rinchiusi nello scafo di una potente unità a propulsione atomica. Quattro uomini, uno dei quali è una spia. Quattro uomini costretti a stare insieme, costretti ad affidare la propria vita all'onestà degli altri, e portati dalle circostanze a diffidare, a sospettare, a sorvegliarsi. A bordo, un traditore. Fuori, il nemico in agguato. Nella mente, il ricordo dei venti equipaggi partiti per una missione uguale alla loro e scomparsi per sempre nelle profondità dell'oceano. Per questo allucinante romanzo di Frank Herbert non servono le solite parole, la frasi consuete. Forse il commento più azzeccato all'opera di questo dinamico scrittore è quello fatto da una rivista americana, che parlando del libro ebbe a scrivere: "Affascinante! Non crediamo esista un solo autore che non vorrebbe poter dichiarare di avere scritto lui questo eccellente romanzo". Frank Herbert ha dedicato il suo racconto agli uomini del Servizio Sottomarino degli Stati Uniti scelti come equipaggio del primo sommergibile atomico. E alla luce della recente impresa del Nautilus, "smg. RAM 2000" acquista un interessante sapore di attualità, il che non è poco soprattutto per un romanzo di fantascienza.
  M.Antonia | Mar 12, 2021 |
Not really SF. Deeps of the mind thriller. Not thrilling. As with any psychobabble book the answers are vague. Maybe the answers are in the authors head. Maybe I imagined not finishing this book. ( )
  ikeman100 | Jan 27, 2021 |
Also called "Under Pressure", Mr. Herbert's breakthrough novel is a very suspenseful experience. For the Sci-Fi of the time, it has a lot of character development. The plot has still got relevance today, and the story line not impossible. It was a good time, and far ahead of the "New Science Fiction" of the Sixties. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Sep 24, 2019 |
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» Adicionar outros autores (4 possíveis)

Nome do autorPapelTipo de autorObra?Estado
Herbert, Frankautor principaltodas as ediçõesconfirmado
Bacon, C.W.Artista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Bergner, Wulf H.Tradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Berkey, JohnArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Brick, ScottNarradorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Giancola, DonatoArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Hunter, MelArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Koesen, JanTradutorautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Petagno, JoeArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Schoenherr, JohnArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Sternbach, RickArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Sussman, ArtArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
Youll, StephenArtista da capaautor secundárioalgumas ediçõesconfirmado
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To the "special" men of the United States Submarine Service - chosen as crewmen on the first atomic submarines - this story is respectfully dedicated.
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The blonde WAVE secretary at the reception desk took the speaker cup of a sono-typer away from her mouth, bent over an intercom box.
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In the twenty-first century, the United States has all but used up its oil supply. A new source must be found. Our atomic subtugs begin stealing oil from underwater deposits in enemy territory. But none of the last twenty tugs sent to bring back the desperately needed mineral have returned. Ensign John Ramsey of the Bureau of Psychology is planted aboard the Fenian Ram S1881 as an electronics officer. His assignment: find the saboteur in the four-man crew and bring back the oil.

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