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Elle CaseyCríticas

Autor(a) de The Changelings

65+ Works 2,040 Membros 170 Críticas 2 Favorited


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I really liked this YA. Great snark, good writing and a decent story. And guess what? The main character was actually thinking at one point that she wasn't up to a love triangle, so I hope the author keeps to that. The 'Read-me-I'm-just-as-good-as-Twilight" teen-aged love triangle is the cheapest and most overused trope in YA today and I wish it could be banned.

I don't know about you, but when I was a teenager it was hard enough to hold onto one guy, much less two. Let me stop lest the rant take over.

The Changelings was a good book and don't let the cliffhanger fool you. Books 1 thru 4 are ready for the reading--Enjoy
jazzbird61 | 18 outras críticas | Feb 29, 2024 |
This was a great installment. I will be looking for a bit more growth in Jayne the next few books, but hope she never loses her inner voice.

My only caveat is that if you hate cliffhangers, wait for the rest. Go try Elle's other books!

Favorite Quotes:

Run for it! ... Rat turd alert! Rat turd alert!"
I glanced at her, praying her robes wouldn't open up to reveal anything, knowing it would scar me for life to see her two-thousand-year-old boobs hanging down to her knees.
jazzbird61 | 5 outras críticas | Feb 29, 2024 |
While this series is complete, the story will continue in The Clash of the Overworld. Depending on how that series goes, I can see the clear demarcation between series.

I still am in love with Jayne's inner voice, the lack of overabundant teenage angst and just a damn good story. I listened to a majority of this book in my car via Kindle's text to speech and found myself (more than once) laughing like a loon in my car.

This series has caused me to put Elle Casey on my auto-buy list and I look forward to more. If I had a complaint it is the same one that I have for most UF authors - please add some ethnic diversity. I guess if you're not 'diverse' you don't notice, but as a reader of fantasy since (wait for it) Interview with a Vampire in 1981, I really miss the fact that asian, hispanic and blacks usually never appear unless the setting is in--asia, s america/spain or africa. But that's my thing.

My Kindle Highlights/Notes:

The thought of a demon wiener getting anywhere near my hoo-hah was absolutely gag-worthy
Note: Ya think?

Great. Not only was I going to be one of those ultra-fertile types I’d read about in health class but some soothsayer had also apparently been talking about my virginity. How rude. How embarrassing.
Note: Ha

To think that prom sex could have saved me from a demon rape was too ironic and awful to fully appreciate right now;

If we couldn’t kill this thing with the combined force of all four elements, I was just going to have to resign myself to losing my virginity to a blind, murdering demon and giving birth to its spawn

I was about to make a life-altering decision while standing in the bathroom, next to a toilet
Note: Dont we all?
jazzbird61 | 5 outras críticas | Feb 29, 2024 |
James and Leah!!! awesome. I did not have high hopes for this book at all i am not sure why but i pick a lot of books based on a cover. odd i know but this was a pleasant surprise!
b00kdarling87 | 1 outra crítica | Jan 7, 2024 |
Excellent finish! Loved the entire series ;^D
Noetical | 3 outras críticas | Oct 16, 2023 |
Awesome continuation of the War of the Fae Series! Each book has drawn me deeper into the trials and tribulations of the indomitable and irascible Jayne and the merry band of misfits she calls friends. Just as each of the first four books made me cry with compassion as well as laugh until it became uncomfortable, so did this one. My only complaint is that Jayne's romantic through-line is beyond frustrating!
Noetical | 5 outras críticas | Oct 16, 2023 |
Made me laugh until it was too painful to read.
Noetical | 2 outras críticas | Oct 16, 2023 |
Awesome installment in the series. Laughed until my sides hurt and tears stung my eyes. Great characters, witty dialogue and intense action make this entire series a must read!
Noetical | 6 outras críticas | Oct 16, 2023 |
Dopo il mezzo flop del terzo libro della serie, questo si riscatta ampiamente proponendo una storia che mi ha conquistato e coinvolto.
Thibault è un gran bel personaggio e May una donna che deve ritrovare la fiducia nel prossimo perché troppo scottata da tutto quello che le è capitato.
La storia mi è piaciuta molto e, questa volta, la scrittrice mi ha convinto completamente.
Le negatività che devo purtroppo nuovamente rilevare - ma, del resto, sono la costante di questa casa per me pseudo/editrice - sono la pessima traduzione e l’editing praticamente inesistente. In questo libro, in più, l’ignoranza dei congiuntivi raggiunge livelli veramente ingiustificabili.
Come sempre 5 stelle alla Casey, mentre – visto che non è possibile dare meno - solo 1 stella alla CE per gli ingiustificabili maltrattamenti della lingua italiana.
La media sarebbe tre stelle ma, per non penalizzare troppo la scrittrice che non lo merita assolutamente, quattro stelle è la mia valutazione finale
Raffaella10 | 3 outras críticas | Feb 2, 2023 |
The Bourbon Street Boys vol. 1
Una storia simpatica e divertente, che ho letto con vero piacere e che mi ha fatto fare delle sane e belle risate.
May Wexler è una fotografa, vive a da sola a New Orleans con il suo amato chihuahua Felix, ha una sorella, Jenny, separata dal marito e tre nipoti pestiferi. Quando un pomeriggio riceve un sms che le chiede di recarsi in un malfamato bar del centro città frequentato da equivoche bande di motociclisti, convinta che sia la sorella che ha bisogno di aiuto, vi si reca ma rimane coinvolta in una sparatoria. A salvarla è un aitante uomo con un’orribile barba che la trascina via con sé. Si ritrova così in un’agenzia di sicurezza privata gestita da Ozzie che altri non è che il suo salvatore che le offrirà prima protezione e poi anche un lavoro. Ma una volta tolta quell’orrenda barba che lo maschera Ozzie si rivela essere invece una persona molto affascinante e pericolosa per la sanità mentale di May e, tra malviventi che la cercano, addestramenti e appostamenti, la sua vita subisce un cambiamento radicale.
Una lettura leggera, allegra e vivace perfetta per rilassarsi e divertirsi.
Effettive quattro stelle e mezzo
Raffaella10 | 15 outras críticas | Feb 2, 2023 |

The storyline of this book is serious, but the author did a fantastic job of lightening it through humor. There were many points that I was laughing literally out loud. The ending was abrupt which was kind of disappointing. But over all great story and characters.
SabethaDanes | 18 outras críticas | Jan 30, 2023 |
The Bourbon Street Boys vol. 2
Secondo libro della serie nel quale la protagonista è Jenny, la sorella di May, un’esperta informatica che, dopo la separazione dal marito, divide la vita tra il lavoro e i suoi tre “pestiferi” figli. Quando la sorella le propone una consulenza per l’agenzia di sicurezza con cui collabora da un paio di mesi Jenny vorrebbe rifiutare, ma la sua difficile situazione lavorativa la spinge almeno a provare. Si troverà così immediatamente coinvolta in una serie di strani incidenti che la spingerebbero a scappare a gambe levate se non fosse per la presenza di Dev, 213 cm. di muscoli e tanta dolcezza.
Una storia simpatica e divertente come la precedente, ma con un pizzico di normalità in più soprattutto perché i personaggi si portano dietro delle storie più sofferte.
Jenny è una donna e mamma single, forte, indipendente che vive soprattutto per i suoi figli, tutti e tre simpaticissimi a cominciare dal piccolo Sammy reso ancora più dolce dal buffo difetto di pronuncia che lo contraddistingue. Anche Dev, l’allenatore dell’agenzia, è un padre single con un figlio molto speciale, Jacob, che cresce col solo aiuto della madre.
Una storia che riesce a conciliare oltre a levità e simpatia anche qualche spunto di riflessione e tanta, tanta dolcezza.
Effettive quattro stelle e mezzo.½
Raffaella10 | 10 outras críticas | Jan 28, 2023 |
I primi due libri della serie mi sono piaciuti molto, questo invece mi ha lasciato molto perplessa.
Tony, la protagonista, che sembrava dover essere una tipa molto “tosta”, decisa e pronta a tutto, si rivela invece una donna piena di insicurezze, piegata, oltre il credibile, da un evento del passato che dopo anni ancora non ha superato per nulla. Anche Lucky, il protagonista maschile, si trascina dietro la sua quota di dramma ma, alla fine, riesce ad affrontarlo in modo migliore ed è lui, di certo, il personaggio migliore di questa vicenda.
La storia, poi, risulta alquanto statica e a tratti anche noiosa e ripetitiva; fortunatamente la presenza degli altri personaggi del team riesce a dare quel po’ di spirito e verve che consente al libro di non affogare del tutto nel nulla assoluto.
Mi aspettavo decisamente molto di più da questo romanzo che si è, invece, rivelato deludente.
Effettive tre stelle e mezzo
Raffaella10 | 7 outras críticas | Jan 28, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this book and I wasn't sure that I would. I don't tend to read romances but when this was offered to me free on Amazon first reads, it was the only one I fancied.

I loved the friendship of the ladies in the book which seemed so much more important than the romances but I still appreciated that the girls got their guys in the end.

My only complaint (if you can call it that - I can't think of a better word) is that I had no idea where the book was set until about halfway through. See, I said it wasn't really a complaint - who cares, amirite? But honestly, suddenly they were in Orlando when the closest to a location I could get was America.

I will be looking out for more of Elle Casey's work as she writes the kind of friendships we all aspire to have. She made me miss my friends, I teared up in happiness at the end. This was a fun book.
theBookDevourer211 | 4 outras críticas | Jan 27, 2023 |
Purchased from Amazon November 13, 2015
bodebeabay | 8 outras críticas | Sep 25, 2022 |
While reading this story, my heart was moving fast through the spectrum of emotions. I would find myself surprised and angry at one time, thinking that these horrific incidents should not happen to anybody, then quickly my heart would warm up at human's potential for sympathy and aid... I love this story and I hope that any abused person on earth whether physically or psychologically would find his own Brian to jump to his/her rescue...
Douna1980 | 4 outras críticas | Sep 3, 2021 |
Here's my issues with this story and I'm sure people will think I'm nuts. While a cute attempt at female empowerment, the constant references to douching as a joke were annoying, the physical and sexual abuse that appeared out of nowhere was odd though and at times I wasn't sure if these women were friends or hated each other. I did not need the descriptions of every little thing from the shoes to the heel height to the car engines. It was just too much. The old lady was funny and I appreciated her but between feeling kind of icky while I read it and plot points that were not summed up, I kind of wonder why I finished it.

1.5 stars
Stacie-C | 4 outras críticas | May 8, 2021 |
Kahayatle (Apocalypsis Book 1) by Elle Casey

This was a little different from the usual post-apocalyptical novels. I liked it, a lot, which was unusual for me since there were gays in the book. The author tastefully added it into the book and it worked well. It doesn't have to be an in-your-face, stuff it down your throat, vulgar subject.

There was a virus that affected all of the adults and young children. They all died, in the first wave. Just the adolescents were left to try to figure out how to live a life.

Bryn, Peter, and Bodo find each other and decide to travel together and look out for one another.

I'll be looking into Book 2 in this series.
HuberK | 6 outras críticas | Feb 21, 2021 |
Are these books ever coming out? It says published in 2016 but I haven't seen them anywhere.
AprylHannus | Dec 7, 2020 |
izzied | 1 outra crítica | Oct 29, 2020 |
I laughed until i cried almost the whole way through, such a funny book.
izzied | 3 outras críticas | Oct 29, 2020 |
Bit crazy.
The talking to herself and the dog got on my nerves.
Some funny lines though.
izzied | 15 outras críticas | Oct 29, 2020 |
This was truly an amazing love story. I love cowboys, romance, humor and little craziness and this book had it all. I like how Elle Casey plays with words in this book and how she can make the book serious and funny at the same time. These kind of books makes me believe in fairy tales and happy ever afters and make me be hopeful towards my future.
Then of course, there is Mack, the out-of-this world sexy cowboy who is my dream man. Somebody who falls for you right at the moment they see you. I think there is still a little bit of hope in this world, ladies.
All in all, this book was totally amazing, heart-warming and the ending made my day. I can't get my hands on more of Elle Casey's works. I'm amazed.

*ARC received from the publisher
AllAndAnyBooks | 12 outras críticas | Sep 17, 2020 |
I'm totally amazed. Even though I liked Shine not burn a little bit more, this was an amazing book. Candice was just wow and she made me laugh so hard at times. I'm also happy that Ian finally found what he was looking for. This book was nice to read because as huge fan of Mack and Andie, it was nice to see what was happening in their lives.
I enjoy Elle Casey's way of writing and I hope that I can read some other books from her. I warmly recommend this book to anybody who just likes cowboys, romance and humor. These books are full of all of those things and I hope that I can read something this good later in the future.

*ARC received from the publisher
AllAndAnyBooks | 3 outras críticas | Sep 17, 2020 |
I stuck with this series for the first two books because I thought the world building was pretty neat. Jayne has officially gotten on my nerves for the last time, now, so I'm done. I wish I could have found out how it ended, but she is just too entitled.
avonar | 6 outras críticas | May 27, 2020 |