Nome Real
Carrie Laben
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Books tagged 'wacky' (mainly religious and conspiracy-theory works) don't get rated because my pleasure in them is proportional to how bad they are - so would five stars mean surprisingly good or laugh-out-loud bad?

Books tagged 'seed' inspired or are quoted somewhere in my own writing.

I am always interested in book recs and happy to answer questions about my odder titles.
Acerca de Mim
I read. Then I write. Then I eat.

My short story "Something in the Mermaid Way" appears in Realms: The First Year of Clarkesworld Magazine, and will also appear in Fantasy: The Best of the Year, 2008 Edition.

My short story "Potholes" appears in Apex Digest Online.

My short story "Invasive Species" will appear in PHANTOM, an anthology edited by Paul Tremblay and Sean Wallace, coming autumn 2008.
Brooklyn, NY
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("teratologist"), ("CatVillainess"), BookMooch,, LiveJournal
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