Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
I am taking some liberties with the idea of "my library". The contents reflects currently owned books, also books I've owned in the past, and books I've enjoyed very much (e.g. from a library). We once moved ten times in ten years, so I've got used to ditching books regularly (sorry, this is a bit heretical here).
Acerca de Mim
I've always read a lot, but LT makes it clear that I'm not a serious bibliophile.Interests:

- reader of literary novels and trashy ones too (lots of escapist crime fiction)
- business books - texts from doing an MBA, and, more enjoyably, narrative books about companies, industries, etc
- professional interest in computers, systems, their management, etc
- random interests in history, biography, science, music, current affairs, green issues, sport, and kiwiana
- Buddhist in recent years (where did that come from?), so have some Buddhist texts and also books that just give a sense of compassion and interest in humanity.

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