Nome Real
Sara Kramer
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
Almost exclusively published by New York Review Books, with a few reference books and titles from other independent presses thrown in.
Acerca de Mim
I'm an editor at NYRB Classics—which explains why I've uploaded every book we publish to my library. People often ask how we find out about the books for the Classics series. Would you be surprised to know that the answer is that we love to hear about "lost" books from librarians, bookstore staff, and passionate readers? We're ready to listen to you, so if you have a suggestion for a book let me know (please note that it must be out of print—Amazon is very helpful in determining this). I hope that LibaryThing can be a forum for disccusing the books in our series with the people who make the series possible.

You can also fill out a title suggestion form here:

and recommend away.

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New York, NY
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Livrarias: Book Culture, BookCourt, Freebird Books & Goods, McNally Jackson - Nolita, The Park Slope Community Bookstore, Three Lives & Company

Outros: Brooklyn Book Festival 2008

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