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Nuvem de Etiquetas, Nuvem de Autores, Espelho de etiquetas
Nov 3, 2005
Nome Real
Pablo Stafforini
Acerca da Minha Biblioteca
January 2011 update: I have resolved to sell or give away all my +3,000 books. The catalogue will remain here as a record of the titles that were once part of my library.

Although I no longer own any books, I still read avidly. For a record of the books I've read, see my Goodreads profile.
Acerca de Mim
I'm a graduate student in philosophy at Balliol College, Oxford.
Oxford, United Kingdom
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Também Em
Autores Favoritos
Favoritos Locais

Livrarias: Atticus Books, Balfour Books, Blackwell's Oxford, Crux Books, El Glyptodón, El río, El Ventanal, Eliot's Bookshop, Gambito de Alfil (Santiago Arcos Editor), La Librería de Ávila, Librería Romano, Quinto - MOVED, Raven Used Books, Seekers Books, She Said Boom! Records & Books, Walrus Books

Bibliotecas: Balliol College Library, Oxford University, Bodleian Law Library, Oxford University, Bodleian Library, University of Toronto - John W. Graham Library of Trinity College, University of Toronto - Robarts Library

Ligações de Membro

Biblioteca Interessante