Série de EditoraHarvard Classics


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin / The Journal of John Woolman / Fruits of Solitude por Charles William Eliot 844 exemplares, 5 críticas01
The Apology, Phaedo and Crito of Plato / The Golden Sayings of Epictetus / The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius por Charles William Eliot 1,504 exemplares, 3 críticas02
Essays, Civil and Moral, and The New Atlantis; Areopagitica and Tractate on Education; Religio Medici por Charles William Eliot 545 exemplares03
The Complete Poetry of John Milton por John Milton 2,522 exemplares, 18 críticas04
Essays and English Traits por Ralph Waldo Emerson 530 exemplares, 2 críticas05
Poems and Songs por Robert Burns 932 exemplares, 4 críticas06
The Confessions of St. Augustine / The Imitation of Christ por Charles William Eliot 282 exemplares07
Nine Greek Dramas by Æschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes por Charles William Eliot 297 exemplares08
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero with His Treatises on Friendship and Old Age and Letters of Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus por Charles William Eliot 335 exemplares, 4 críticas09
Compendio da obra da riqueza das nações por Adam Smith 6,265 exemplares, 47 críticas10
On the Origin of Species por Charles Darwin 14,676 exemplares, 121 críticas11
Plutarch's Lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades and Coriolanus, Demosthenes and Cicero, Caesar and Antony por Plutarch 614 exemplares, 2 críticas12
The Aeneid por Virgil 23,507 exemplares, 198 críticas13
Don Quixote [Part 1 of 2] por Miguel de Cervantes 2,726 exemplares, 28 críticas14
The Pilgrim's Progress / The Lives of John Donne and George Herbert por Charles William Eliot 538 exemplares15
Stories from the Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights' Entertainment) por Charles William Eliot 714 exemplares, 2 críticas16
Folk-Lore and Fable: Aesop, Grimm, Andersen por Charles William Eliot 771 exemplares, 1 crítica17
Modern English Drama: Dryden; Sheridan; Goldsmith; Shelley; Browning; Byron por Charles William Eliot 237 exemplares, 1 crítica18
Faust, Part I / Egmont / Hermann and Dorothea / Doctor Faustus por Charles William Eliot 270 exemplares, 2 críticas19
The Divine Comedy por Dante Alighieri 22,382 exemplares, 187 críticas20
The Betrothed por Alessandro Manzoni 3,201 exemplares, 53 críticas21
The Odyssey por Homer 36,415 exemplares, 465 críticas22
Two Years Before the Mast / Twenty-Four Years After por Richard Henry Dana 960 exemplares, 4 críticas23
On Taste / On the Sublime and Beautiful / Reflections on the French Revolution / A Letter to a Noble Lord por Edmund Burke 676 exemplares, 1 crítica24
Autobiography; Essay on Liberty; Characteristics; Inaugural Address; Essay on Scott por Charles William Eliot 221 exemplares25
Continental Drama: Calderon; Corneille; Racine; Molière; Lessing; Schiller por Charles W. Eliot 218 exemplares26
English Essays: From Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay por Charles William Eliot 486 exemplares, 2 críticas27
Essays: English and American por Charles William Eliot 610 exemplares, 1 crítica28
The Voyage of the Beagle por Charles Darwin 3,118 exemplares, 25 críticas29
Scientific Papers: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology por Charles William Eliot 219 exemplares, 1 crítica30
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini por Benvenuto Cellini 2,580 exemplares, 22 críticas31
Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German, and Italian por Charles William Eliot 233 exemplares32
Voyages and Travels por Charles William Eliot 217 exemplares, 1 crítica33
French and English Philosophers: Descartes; Rousseau; Voltaire; Hobbes por Charles William Eliot 246 exemplares34
Chronicle and Romance: Froissart; Malory; Holinshed por Charles William Eliot 226 exemplares, 2 críticas35
The Prince; Utopia; Ninety-Five Theses por Charles William Eliot 279 exemplares36
English Philosophers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Locke; Berkeley; Hume por Charles William Eliot 216 exemplares, 2 críticas37
Scientific Papers: Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology por Charles William Eliot 224 exemplares, 3 críticas38
Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books por Charles William Eliot 526 exemplares, 1 crítica39
English Poetry, Volume I: From Chaucer to Gray por Charles William Eliot 554 exemplares40
English Poetry, Volume II: From Collins to Fitzgerald por Charles William Eliot 517 exemplares, 1 crítica41
English Poetry, Volume III: From Tennyson to Whitman por Charles William Eliot 629 exemplares42
American Historical Documents por Charles William Eliot 777 exemplares, 2 críticas43
Sacred Writings, Volume I por Charles William Eliot 244 exemplares44
Sacred Writings, Volume II por Charles W. Eliot 244 exemplares45
Elizabethan Drama, Volume I: Marlow; Shakespeare por Charles William Eliot 854 exemplares46
Elizabethan Drama, Volume II: Dekker; Jonson; Beaumont and Fletcher; Webster; Massinger por Charles William Eliot 197 exemplares47
Thoughts ; Letters ; Minor works por Blaise Pascal 278 exemplares, 1 crítica48
Epic and Saga por Charles William Eliot 269 exemplares, 1 crítica49
The Editor's Introduction; Reader's Guide; Index to the First Lines of Poems, Songs & Choruses, Hymnes & Psalms; General Index; Chronological Index por Charles W. Eliot 194 exemplares, 1 crítica50
Lectures on the Harvard Classics por Charles W. Eliot 162 exemplares, 1 crítica51
Fifteen Minutes a Day: Reading Guide por Charles W. Eliot 70 exemplares52

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